Paul Heyman talks about how it feels to see Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar carrying the WWE shows

Paul Heyman sat down with “The Masked Man Show” this week to promote the upcoming Royal Rumble event, as well as his thoughts on Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar, as well as helping MVP get back into the WWE.

Paul Heyman was asked how it makes him feel seeing two guys like Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar now carrying the WWE shows:

“I’m indescribably proud of both of them,” Heyman gushed.

“Roman Reigns is a very strategic performer. The Tribal Chief has lived inside of Roman Reigns for a long time, but it wasn’t the right time to present this persona because he had to go through all the trials and tribulations in front of the public first. He needed his face ruffed up a little more. He needed to show a little bit of age,” Heyman said.

“The Tribal Chief couldn’t just be the best looking man in the industry in his late 20’s. He had to be more seasoned. He had to be a little more grizzled. To speak as The Tribal Chief before he’s The Tribal Chief would not have made sense. But he’s very comfortable in this presentation. This is authentically who he is. This is how he sees himself.”

“I like to say that SmackDown is the best reality show on television because you’re getting to see the real Roman Reigns for the first time. He’s not being forced to go out there and smile and tell you how much he just loves to go and sign autographs at 4 in the afternoon for all the little kids that are coming to the show. No, he doesn’t, and he doesn’t want to,” Heyman laughed.

“He doesn’t want to have to do media appearances that he doesn’t have to do. He does the ones that he chooses to do because they’re the right ones to host The Tribal Chief.”

Heyman continued, “In terms of Brock, Brock just never felt like talking. Brock Lesnar does what Brock Lesnar wants to do, and Brock Lesnar doesn’t do what Brock Lesnar doesn’t want to do.”

“When Brock came back, he had been gone long enough, and looks different enough, and is really comfortable enough with himself now, that he just says, ‘Screw it. This is who I am and they will like me for who I am or they won’t. I’m going to give them the real Brock Lesnar’ which is a far more smart a** Brock Lesnar than most people were even prepared to see.”

“But if you watched him in the UFC press conferences, this is Brock Lesnar. This is who he is. So it’s just again, in an age where authenticity is a very big selling point with the audience, it’s just getting both of them to be authentic,” Heyman finished with.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit “The Masked Man Show” with a h/t to for the transcription.

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