Ric Flair shares high praise for The Miz, discusses a possible Charlotte vs Tessa Blanchard match

On this week’s “WOOOO Nation Uncensored,” Ric Flair talked about his thoughts on The Miz, and a potential Charlotte vs. Tessa Blanchard matchup.

Ric Flair commenting on why he believes The Miz is so good:

“I think the world of him personally. What makes him good is the fact that he never stopped wanting to be good. Whatever they give him, whether it’s chicken sh*t or chicken salad, he makes it chicken salad. To have that kind of a run, I think he decided that he was going to make a career out of this no matter how much he had to go through, humiliation wise. He’s rocking it out right now. I’m happy for him.”

Flair was asked if he feels Miz had such a hard time being accepted by the other wrestlers, especially at first, because he was a reality TV star:

“Yes, that’s exactly what it was. He wasn’t some super athlete with a super athletic background. He’s just a guy that wanted to be a wrestler, but he pulled it off. I’m telling you, they hand him his script and he will rehearse it from 2 o’clock in the afternoon until he goes on the air. He walks around. I see him in the hallway talking to himself. Then he’ll go to his producer and say, ‘Can I change this to this?’ He’s a perfectionist, and that’s why he’s good.”

On whether Miz should be a heel or face:

“He’s just a much better heel. I think it’s more acting, because he’s not an arrogant guy in real life. I think it’s more about how he’s learned how to pull that character off. He’s not in any way, shape, or form, a pr*ck, which to be a good heel, you have to have some pr*ck in you. I’m proud of him, and once again, I can’t say enough good things about him.”

Flair was asked if he feels a Charlotte vs Tessa Blanchard match will ever happen:

“I don’t think so from what I’ve heard. Never. I don’t know the particulars. I don’t think she’s (Tessa) going to go to WWE anytime soon. Charlotte is definitely not leaving WWE.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit “Ric Flair Wooooo Nation Uncensored” with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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