Road Dogg: Triple H and Shawn Michaels not happy that Billy Gunn wasn’t allowed at DX reunion on WWE Raw

On the latest “Oh, You Didn’t Know”podcast, WWE Hall Of Famer Road Dogg talked about Billy Gunn not being able to attend the DX 25th Anniversary celebration on RAW:

“It broke my heart and I believe it broke his too,” Road Dogg said. “In all actuality, Hunter was not happy about it either. Shawn and X-Pac weren’t either. We kind of wanted the band, all that we could get back together, and then definitely Chyna is there in spirit. So, that didn’t happen.”

Road Dogg said that there were efforts made to get Billy on Raw. He said, “From what I understand, and again, I’m not in those inner circles anymore, and for my sanity, rightfully so and thankful, but I don’t know the exact reason but I was told everything that we could do was done, and we couldn’t come together. For one minute during that the day prior, I texted him and said, ‘Hey, are you going to be able to make it? Have you found out any answers yet?’’, and he said, ‘Yes, I’m in.’ I was like, ‘Oh my God, that’s awesome.’ I was traveling that day. Before I landed at home, I’d found out he was not in. I texted him back and he wasn’t happy either. It just didn’t work no matter what. I understand that we’re not huge fans of each other or whatever from a business standpoint but, I don’t know. It was just a big deal and I feel like he got ripped off that he didn’t get to live it with us. You know what I mean? I’m just sorry for that and I know he is too.”

You can hear the entire podcast at

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