Roman Reigns: Seth Rollins Is Like A Stage Five Clinger Because He Can’t Move On With His Life

Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins have been linked since their days in The Shield. Over the years, they have wrestled each other numerous times and recently kicked off a feud yet again when Rollins took out Reigns at the WWE Royal Rumble after they were eliminated in the Royal Rumble bout.

Rollins laid him out after the match with stomps. Now, they’re expected to clash at WrestleMania 41 in a triple threat match with CM Punk.

Reigns took a shot at Rollins while watching a Bloodline playthrough of WWE 2K25 on IGN.

“He’s like a stage five clinger, just holding on because he can’t move on with his life. Me, I created so much, a beautiful empire where we have pretty much everything. That’s what they do. They all come back. He’s just holding on.”

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