Seth Rollins comments on what he learned from Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns, wants No DQ match with Triple H

Seth Rollins recently took part in a media conference call, and Sky Sports was on the call to provide highlights. When asked about wanting his revenge on Triple H for costing him the WWE Universal Championship last August, he said that he has been looking for him for two or three months and if he shows up then he will put his foot in Triple H’s mouth. He said that despite him calling him out on TV and social media, he couldn’t find him. He said that time would tell if Triple H shows up like a man to answer him and protect his legacy. Either way, Rollins said that he would get his hands on him. He said that he would like to have a No DQ match with Triple H because he doesn’t want anyone telling him what he can and can’t do in the match. “There is some unfinished business, and sooner or later we are going to get around to it – whether it’s at WrestleMania, before or after.”

When asked what he has learned from Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose from their time in The Shield, Rollins said that learned about unpredictability and letting loose a little bit from Ambrose. He noted that he is reserved while Ambrose is unpredictable. He learned about presence and how to carry himself from Reigns as Reigns walks around with a ton of confidence and people sense that and take note of it. He said that it helps with how people perceive you. “Whenever all three of us were together at the same time it was just magic – but I don’t think any of us realized just how much impact and how much noise we had made as a group until it was over. Over the last couple of years, the question I get asked more than any other is ‘when are the Shield going to get back together?’ That’s pretty powerful.”

To read the full interview, click here.

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