Seth Rollins says Jon Moxley is trying to take dinner off his table, says WWE will knock AEW dead

Seth Rollins took part in a media conference call on Monday to hype SummerSlam and he was asked about his recent comments about Will Ospreay that he later apologized to him for.

Rollins stood by some of what he said and said that guys like Ospreay don’t go through what WWE wrestlers have to go through on the road because “they don’t do it as much as we do.” Rollins said that there might be an opportunity do have a match with Ospreay in WWE one day. Rollins added that he believes that WWE is the best professional wrestling on the planet.

On Jon Moxley leaving WWE and going to AEW:

“I was surprised by it for sure. I knew Ambrose needed some time away from WWE but the thing is, he just loves wrestling, he loves the industry, he just wanted some freedom and do his own thing and that happens, you know? And that happens for everybody and I understand his position and why he wanted to go over there and that’s on him. But, now he’s competition, now he’s the one trying to take dinner off my table so good on him but we’re going to do our best to continue to be the best here at WWE and those guys want to step up to the big leagues to give it a shot? Then by all means but we’re going to knock them dead just like we do everybody else.”

If you are happy with the WWE product then you may be fine with what Rollins said about Moxley. If you are not happy with the product and are a fan of Moxley’s work and decision to leave then you might not be to thrilled with what Rollins had to say and this only fuels some of the critics who say that he is being the ultimate company guy during a time when there are big problems with WWE’s product.

The issues in WWE are not related to the in-ring work because they do have some of the best wrestlers in the world. The big problem with WWE right now is the stale creative that will hopefully, be fixed by Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff.

Rollins’ comments do come across a bit odd considering that he’s talking about someone who was supposedly one of his close friends.

h/t to Post Wrestling for the transcription.

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