Shane McMahon introduces Raw Underground “shoot fighting”

During the first two hours of WWE Monday Night Raw, they showed a security guard by a door with loud music heard playing inside.

Later in the show, Shane McMahon revealed a Fight Club setting with wrestlers shoot fighting inside of a warehouse with a ring with no ropes. The room they were in is actually part of the Performance Center located just feet away from where the main TV taping are held.

They showcased Dabba-Kato, who is actually developmental wrestler Babatunde Aiyegbusi. The fights were worked but they were presented as if they were shoot fights. They also showcased Erik and Dolph Ziggler and the show ended with The Hurt Business destroying a bunch of developmental wrestlers around the ring.

WWE tried to load up this week’s show with big segments so it will be interesting to see if this makes a difference when the ratings come out tomorrow night. In addition to the regular slate of shows and news programming, Raw was also up against the NBA and Major League Baseball.

There was another segment later in the show featuring Erik from The Viking Raiders.

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