Smith Hart Reveals A Revelation Of Sorts For WWE

Smith Hart, uncle of WWE diva Natalya Neidhart and member of the legendary Hart family dynasty, has published a new column at Hart speaks about a revelation of sorts for WWE. Here are some excerpts from his entry:

“WWE and wrestling in general has a huge following in Europe, Africa, Russia, India and Japan. India is one of the world’s largest untapped markets with a massive population base, a similar language base and a rising economy that a cultural icon to India, could boom success there today much like stars such as El Santo, Rikidozan,  Carlos Colon or even my brother Bret were to their own respective homelands.
“By separating the rosters, more opportunities could be afforded to many outstanding talents such as Dolph Ziggler, Christian, Damian Sandow, Evan Bourne, Justin Gabriel, Alberto Del Rio and many more that are otherwise being underutilized in favor of upstart call-ups like Adam Rose and Bo Dallas.

“The key to this being successful is to not only separate the brands and rosters, but also the production staff. One of the most suggested reasons to the initial success of NXT, is the absence of long-time WWE executive producer Kevin Dunn.”

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