The latest post-surgery update on Ric Flair (updated)

We are still waiting to hear word on Ric Flair’s condition but Gene Okerlund has posted a brief update on his Facebook page. Okerlund wrote: “I’ve heard nothing on the outcome of Ric Flair’s colon surgery this afternoon but the outpouring of prayers and love re-enforce that he definitely is “THE MAN”.”

The colon surgery story is new. Here is what we know so far:

– Flair was admitted to the ICU on Saturday for a heart-related issue

– owner Jimmy Van reported that Flair’s issues have to do with some sort of bacterial infection as well as alcohol related issues.

– Flair underwent surgery (colon surgery, according to Gene Okerlund) earlier today.

Dave Meltzer reported that although Flair is out of surgery, the situation is still really bad. He said that the situation he is in is similar to what his father went through except that Flair’s kidneys are functioning and there are no cancer issues.

– TMZ reports that Flair is out of surgery and resting, according to a WWE rep. We don’t know how the surgery went but the last word was that his family was waiting to meet with the doctors.

UPDATE: Flair’s management confirmed that his surgery was a success and it was not heart-related.

We will pass along more updates as we get them. Click here to keep on on all of the latest Ric Flair updates.

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