The reason why WWE is scared to sign Kurt Angle

As noted, Kurt Angle’s deal with TNA expires in September. Naturally that would lead to speculation on whether or not WWE would take him back. Here’s why WWE has been scared to sign him in the past. In 2006 Vince McMahon made the call that they were not going to have an Olympic Gold medalist die on their watch, no matter what. The reports at the time were that he was on deathwatch and those reports might have been overblown but it’s just not a risk that Vince was willing to take. He felt that way before Benoit’s death and even more so afterwards. TNA has started a push Angle’s comeback on TNA television this week but his return would be after his current deal expires. Perhaps they’ve already made the call to keep Angle since they might figure that if they didn’t sign him then he could end up with Jeff Jarrett’s new promotion. But we have to remember that in TNA you never truly know what they’re thinking since this is the same company that pushed Hulk Hogan and AJ Styles until their last days in the company.

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