The Sandman was a Chippendales dancer before he got to ECW

On the latest episode of “That Was Extreme” podcast with The Blue Meanie, Joel Gertner, and host Josh Shernoff, they talked about ECW’s “The Night The Line Was Crossed” event that took place on February 4, 1994 at the ECW Arena.

Meanie and Gertner shared several never-before-told ECW stories but one that may surprise fans the most is about The Sandman’s career as a Chippendales dancer before he got into pro wrestling.

Blue Meanie told the story on the latest episode:

“We all know Bar Rescue, right? With Jon Taffer… well he owned a club. He’s infamous for opening night clubs all around the world. That’s why he got the Bar Rescue gig. He had a club in Philly called Pulsations and if you’ve seen Rocky III with the robot and all that stuff, that was Jon Taffer’s robot. Jon Taffer had that robot built for his nightclub Pulsations, which they worked into the movie Rocky.”

Meanie continued, “Coming back to Sandman, they would have a night at Pulsations where they would have Chippendale dancers and Sandman danced for Chippendales pre-wrestling career. He had long blonde hair. He looked like Stunning Steve Austin when Stunning Steve Austin had long blonde hair. I guess he was young and in shape and did some Chippendale dance at Pulsations for Jon Taffer. Pulsations was famous in the Philadelphia area for having this UFO that would come over the nightclub and one night a felon killed somebody and they took the dead person out and continued to party. Mid to late 80s Philadelphia nightclub scene, John Taffer owns Pulsations, which essentially goes on to hire James Fullington, aka The Sandman, as a Chippendales dancer.”

Meanie added, “I’ve asked Hak, do you still have photos and he’s like ‘ah, my mom’s probably got them somewhere’ or ‘my mom probably threw them out.'”

There’s a lot more discussed on the show, which is available now at

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit “That Was Extreme” podcast with The Blue Meanie, Joel Gertner, and Josh Shernoff “ with a h/t to for the transcription.

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