The Wyatt Sicks ‘Kidnapped’ The Miz After WWE Raw

The Wyatt Sicks faction has recently been focusing on The Miz and Karrion Kross’s group of Scarlett, Akam, Rezar, and Paul Ellering.

On last week’s Raw, the group attacked the Final Testament, with The Miz escaping while Uncle Howdy took out Ellering. On this week’s episode, Miz talked to Kross and noted that he was hesitant about working with Kross.

After the show, Kross shared a video on Twitter of Scarlett informing him that the Wyatt Sicks had kidnapped The Miz. Kross stated that The Miz was “definitely dead.”

Scarlett said that they had to help him. Kross noted that he would try to find him for ten minutes before he would head back to the hotel.


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