There’s ANOTHER Update On Jade Cargill

Initial reports on Jade Cargill noted that she’s actually injured and the attack on her last week on WWE SmackDown was done because she needs time to recover. Mike Johnson at PWInsider then reported that she’s fine and the attack was purely for storyline reasons.

Dave Meltzer noted in The Wrestling Observer Newsletter that he was told different reasons for her time off from WWE TV. On today’s Wrestling Observer Live, Bryan Alvarez said that based on what he’s been told, he is sure that she is indeed injured.

Alvarez said, “We were initially told she is legitimately injured and she will be out a while…yesterday, all of a sudden it’s ‘nah, it’s all a work.’ I would bet you if you did ask some people in WWE, they would say that it’s a work because that is what they believe. I’m telling you that she is injured. When she will be back, I do not know.”

So, whatever is going on, we wish her the best for a full recovery.

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