Tiffany Stratton Comments On Rumors About WWE WrestleMania’s Location Next Year

Naomi was asked if she knew she would eventually be back in WWE:

“I knew I would. I didn’t know when, I didn’t know how, I didn’t know where, but I didn’t like ending my journey here in the way that it happened. I knew for me, if it could be made right, if the time was right, and if the opportunity presented itself that I would come back to finish my career in the light that I should with the company that I love so much and that made me the star that I am. It was never about like, that’s it. I’m not coming back. It was a lot going on and I just had to take a break, step away, prove some things, get some things done, and stand on business.” standing on business.”

Naomi on returning to WWE:

“I feel like I’ve come back with a fresh set of eyes, a new set of eyes. I’m very thankful for the opportunity and Triple H and everyone having those discussions and bringing me back. I’m very thankful just to be back. I think that just changed everything for me so good, bad or indifferent. Being here is the greatest place to wrestle and do what we do. I don’t take it for granted. I’m just ready to make the best of any and everything that I’m given, good, bad, or indifferent.”

Tiffany Stratton on the rumors that next year’s WrestleMania will be in her hometown (Note: Minneapolis has been rumored but not confirmed):

“Honestly, it would mean everything to me. I just feel like I just kind of got the ball rolling with my career and everything. This Mania didn’t really have anything for me and I totally understand that. I just got called up. The storylines going into WrestleMania, they’re always very long. They always mean a lot more, so I think next year’s Mania, being rumored to be in Minnesota, would be so freakin perfect for my career and just in general.”

Tiffany Stratton on Paris Hilton following her on TikTok:

“Honestly, I thought it was fake at first. I was like, this is not the real Paris Hilton commenting on my TikTok, following me on TikTok. Then I looked at it and it was verified. I clicked the little Instagram handle on it and it went straight to her profile and it was all verified. It was honestly insane to see that Paris Hilton herself followed me on TikTok.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit The Ringer Wrestling Show with a h/t to for the transcription. Quotes were transcribed by Jim for

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