Vic Joseph On If Shawn Michaels Is Really Tweeting, Why WWE Raw Didn’t Work Out, Booker’s Just Booker

Ahead of NXT Stand & Deliver,’s Steve Fall interviewed the voice of NXT Vic Joseph. We have some transcribed highlights below. Click below for the full interview. 

Vic Joseph was asked if Shawn Michaels is in his ear while he is doing NXT commentary:

“He doesn’t really critique or anything like that. If there’s something earlier in the day, I’ll ask him. He’s been very open with me on that. During the show, he’s very hands off. It’s kind of sink or swim every Tuesday with Booker and myself. So I think we’re swimming pretty well, but he’s very hands off and to me, he’s the biggest professional influence of my life. He is the reason I wanted to get to the WWE. He’s the reason I’m here at WrestleMania sitting with you. I can’t thank Shawn Michaels enough for everything he’s done.”

On being an announcer for many different WWE shows over his career:

“First it was Main Event and then it was 205 Live. Those were two shows that allowed me to introduce myself to the WWE Universe, to a vast audience which then opened the doors to go to premium live events. Then when NXT UK came around, it was a great opportunity to continue to get myself out there on a more global level. That’s just me speaking selfishly. For those three shows, going into Monday Night RAW was a great opportunity, Paul Heyman was the creative director at the time who’s going into the Hall of Fame. I wasn’t ready. There were things that I was doing that I look back on now and just cringe and go, Oh my God. If I could slap myself in the face, I would. So I needed to fail in that moment to get to where I am now working with Beth Phoenix, working with Wade Barrett early on in NXT, four years ago, five years ago allowed me to get my confidence back, allowed me to realize what I was doing wrong and how to fix it along with talking to guys like Michael Cole and Corey Graves who helped me elevate my game to now working with Booker where I say I’m in graduate school now because Booker, and this is honest to God’s truth, Booker’s just Booker and it helps me adapt. I didn’t have the adaptability early on, so I learned how to adapt to different situations, taped, to live, to 30 minutes, to an hour, to two hours and that’s how I would say, adapt is the biggest thing that I learned through all those shows.”

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