Triple H comments on bringing back WWE talent that was released by Vince McMahon

As was noted earlier, Ariel Helwani did a long-form interview with Triple H for BT Sport.

Helwani mentioned that it seems like Triple H is bringing back “his boys” from NXT. He was asked if he had a list of wrestlers he wanted to bring back that felt should never have left:

“The whole roster in some way, if you’re gonna look at it that way, almost 95% of our roster came out of NXT right now. There were a lot of people that I thought were really talented. When it came to RAW and SmackDown, it wasn’t up to me if I thought they were talented. It was up to the RAW and Smackdown writing team and Vince, if they thought they were talented and wanted to use them for something. If they didn’t, then that was the answer. If they wanted to use them, Vince’s company, Vince’s show, Vince’s prerogative. If he says, ‘I see this guy, but I see him in a different role. I see this woman, but I see her in a different role. I don’t see this person as talented. I don’t see them as where I want to go’, then that’s his prerogative. 

Now it’s my time to be able to say ‘No, no. I think this person is talented and I want them here doing this.’ To go down that list, so for me, talent is talent. It doesn’t matter man, doesn’t matter woman, doesn’t matter where they came from, doesn’t matter what route or path they took to get to this business. Did they start out wanting to do something else and find this later in their life? Did they start out dreaming as a kid that this is all they ever wanted to do and approached it? Talent is talent. If somebody is talented, if I think they can contribute to the product, and I think that creatively we can use them to advance what we do and to make this company bigger and tell better stories, then I want to work with them. It’s as simple as that.”

Click below for the entire interview.

More from the interview: Triple H confirms Brock Lesnar was upset when he heard about Vince McMahon stepping down from WWE

Also: Triple H comments on Sasha Banks, Bray Wyatt, Braun Strowman, The Rock possibly returning to WWE

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Ariel Helwani on BT Sport with a h/t to for the transcription.

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