Vince McMahon very happy with Drake Maverick’s 24/7 Title segments

If you are a fan of Drake Maverick in the WWE 24/7 Championship segments on Monday Night Raw and on WWE’s social media accounts, then I’ve got some good news for you.

Vince McMahon is said to be very entertained by the segments but what is really making him happy is the minute-by-minute numbers from Nielsen Media Research. Every week, WWE gets a data file from Nielsen with the minute-by-minute viewership numbers and the 24/7 segments featuring Maverick and R-Truth are consistently among the most-watched parts of Monday Night Raw.

McMahon has told people that he appreciates people like Maverick stepping up and running with some of the goofy ideas that have been presented to him. Maverick was the one who suggested doing the 24/7 title change at his wedding a few weeks ago for the company social media accounts and his comedy work has translated to success on Raw with bigger than usual numbers.

“Vince loves everything he’s doing because [Drake] is funny and he’s not afraid to be the butt of a joke and Vince will get behind someone like him,” said one WWE source. “He’s also not a complainer.”

This is similar to what we heard Vince say a few weeks ago about R-Truth.

As noted a few weeks ago, you can expect a lot more hijinks from Maverick and R-Truth on the WWE social media accounts. They already have something planned for Comic-Con so look for that in the next 48 hours.

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