WATCH: Matt Hardy says “it’s happening” and makes huge Broken reference

Some things in pro wrestling make us go, “what did we just see?” It seems Matt and Jeff experienced an awakening of sorts after their tag match against The Club on Raw when The Revival got involved. The Hardys stood tall and took out both The Revival and The Club with some ease.

Following their segment, The Hardys were interviewed backstage where Matt was all smiles, and it was a very familiar smile indeed. Although they didn’t say “Broken,” they did say “Woken” which is a very close sounding word. Will fans be seeing The Woken Hardys soon if Anthem won’t let go of their precious Broken Universe? It might be a long shot, but this video certainly has piqued our curiosity.

But from the sound of the tweet Matt sent out with this video attached, they might be going for it. Matt said he felt triggered and woken. Matt said “it’s happening” in the message accompanying the video but the only question is what is happening exactly?

Only time will tell, but Matt and Jeff seem to have experienced some kind of awakening in Pittsburgh.

It’s also important to note the #FTR, #FTC, and #FTO that followed Matt’s message. We’re going to let you figure out what the “FT” stood for, but the other letters in the three hashtags stood for Revival, Club, and Owl. Wonderful!

It’s been a busy week full of news. If you’d like to catch up on some of the top stories from this week, check out some of the links below:


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