WATCH: Total Bellas covers Brie Bella concussing Liv Morgan

On this week’s episode of Total Bellas, it was explained that Brie Bella was overwhelmed from having so many projects and having to juggle being a mom. That led into the match with Liv Morgan where she delivered a YES kick to the face, causing Morgan to crumble to the mat and forcing her to take a few weeks off because she was diagnosed with a concussion.

During a voiceover, Brie says, “Oh my Gosh, I just kicked Liv in the face. All I can think about ‘are you okay Liv?'”

Brie says she never hurt anyone during her 12 years of wrestling. They showed Nikki telling Brie that Liv didn’t have broken bones and Brie shouldn’t get down on herself because “It’s wrestling, it’s professional wrestling.”

They also showed footage of Brie consoling Liv backstage, presumably after the match. There was no mention of the wave of negative reaction directed at Brie on social media.

You can see highlights from the recent episode in the video below:

The rest of the episode focused on Brie feeling guilty about what happened and she wondered if she still wanted to continue to be here (meaning WWE).

The preview for the next episode teases that Brie could be done with wrestling.

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