Who is the mystery person in Kurt Angle’s life that he loves?

UPDATE: The “big reveal” might have already been spoiled. Click here to read more (Warning: there are possible spoilers included).

ORIGINAL: All of this boils down to Corey Graves being one connected dude. He broke the whole Enzo/Big Cass story and receives texts nobody else gets for some reason unless they’re Kurt Angle. We don’t know why Corey Graves was included in the same text thread as Kurt Angle in the past month but it has certainly made Raw more interesting.

Kurt Angle seems like he’s on a hot seat right now. It appears he’s being somewhat blackmailed regarding a secret he doesn’t want getting out. But whenever the camera goes to the announce table on Raw at this point we just watch Corey Graves to see if he’s on his phone again.

During the closing moments of Raw this past week Kurt Angle said he can’t let someone break this news so he’ll have to come out with it himself. We have no idea what he’s going to reveal at this point. But there are a couple areas in which we can speculate.

Pro Wrestling Sheet’s James Mckenna swears by the fact Kurt Angle will be revealing an illegitimate child next week.

Raw is being broadcast from Nashville, Tennessee. Not only will that mean this historically huge wrestling city will be hot all night, but they’re also in a certain former president of TNA’s backyard. Some have speculated Dixie Carter could be making an appearance as part of this Kurt Angle storyline although Dave Meltzer said on a recent episode of Wrestling Observer Radio that would be “stupid as hell.”

“If the idea is to build toward Kurt and Triple H, it could be Stephanie,” Meltzer said. “But I can’t see it being that. But Stephanie is supposed to be on her way back so who knows?”

Meltzer noted that if they brought Stephanie in for some kind of love triangle it would be good for business, but he can’t see WWE going that way. If the idea is to build a program with Kurt Angle vs Triple H then reviving this fifteen-year-old love triangle might be the way WWE could get that done.

Whoever this person turns out to be two things are certain. Kurt and this mystery individual are going to make the announcement together and Kurt loves them.

If you use any portion of the quotes in this article please credit Wrestling Observer Radio with a H/T to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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