WWE Deadline Results: Axiom And Nathan Frazer Retain NXT Tag Team Titles

NXT Tag Team Champions Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs. Myles Borne and Tavion Heights of No Quarter Catch Crew was booked at this year’s WWE Deadline Premium Live Event from The Armory in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The following is the play-by-play coverage of the match:

The champions got the early advantage while Nathan was selling his ribs. Everybody did dives to the floor. Borne with a chokeslam to Nathan for two as the challengers took over and beat down Nathan. Frazer with a head kick before getting the hot tag to Axiom, who hit a series of moves. Nathan got the tag and hit an outside dive over the top rope. Nathan with a spring board 450 splash for 2. Axiom accidentally took out his partner with a drop kick. Nathan was laid out with a powerslam on the apron. Borne and Heights with double team move for two. Axiom with a canadian desoyter to Heights for 2. Axiom with a roll up to Borne for the win.

Winner: Axiom and Nathan Frazer

Click here for complete WWE Deadline results.

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