WWE Hall of Famer takes a shot at Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks and Charlotte on Twitter

– WWE Hall of Famer Tamara Lynn Sytch aka “Sunny” took a shot at Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks and Charlotte recently on Twitter about their main roster debut.

“ok…….who else thinks the 2 new red/purple/orange heads in the diva divisions are buttafaces??? and charlotte (Ashley) really has in ring talent??? “

“…and my opinion of how someone looks is my opinion… as if no one has ever judged me??”

These tweets are no longer listed on her official Twitter account.

– Monday’s episode of RAW had a unique audience of 1.542 million, which is up from the 1.521 million the show drew last week. Also, RAW had total impressions of 10.714 million, which up from last week’s 9.613 million impressions.

RAW ranked #2 among non-sporting events for Monday night on Twitter.

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