WWE house show results from Las Cruces, New Mexico

By Richard Romero

1. Kofi Kingston defeated Damien Sandow. Kofi came out to a nice pop, especially from the kids in the audience. Sandow cut a promo playing up all the characters he’s played on Raw. He said since the crowd did not give him the ovation he deserved he would do his entrance again. He came out again to even more heat. Very fast paced match with Kofi hitting lots of flashy and high flying moves. Kofi hit Trouble in Paradise out of nowhere for the win.

2. Bo Dallas defeated Zack Ryder. Dallas came out to a mixed reaction as the crowd really didn’t know what to make of him. He cut a more baby face promo about following your dreams by Bo-lieving. Ryder came out to a nice reaction. Pretty standard match Dallas would do a lap around the ring every time he hit a move. Dallas hit his bulldog finisher off the ropes for the win.

3. Paige defeated Natalya and Alicia Fox in Triple Threat to retain the WWE Divas Title. This was the shock of the night. When the match was announced it got a pretty good pop from the crowd. Natalya came out first and got the biggest pop for a diva I’ve heard in a long time. Alicia got some nice heat and Paige got a nice pop but nowhere near the pop Natalya got. The match started with Natalya and Paige trying to double team Alicia for a while before starting to fight each other. Alicia got some popcorn from ring side and started throwing it at them. The spot of the night came when Paige had Alicia on the top rope looking for the suplex. Natalya came back into the ring and set up under Paige. This lead to Natalya power bombing Paige from the middle rope and Alicia taking the suplex from the top for a move that made the crowd go nuts. The end came when hit the Paige turned on both Natalya and Alicia with the Paige turner Natalya rolled out of the ring and Paige put Alicia in her submission finisher for the win. My writing is not doing this match justice this was a great match better then any Divas matches I’ve seen on television or PPV in a while. Great work from all three ladies.

4. Sin Cara defeated Titus O’Neil. Not much to say about this match. It was ok but nothing special. The crowd was still cooling down from the exciting Divas match (never thought I’d say that). Sin Cara hit a moonsault from the top rope for the win.

5. Cody Rhodes and Golddust defeated Ryback and Curtis Axel. Rybaxel didn’t get much of a reaction but the Rhodes brothers got a good one especially Golddust. No partner switch here as the Rhodes brothers worked well together all throughout the match. Golddust hit his finisher on axel to get the win. After the match Cody seemed a little distant and almost disappointed with the result but Golddust gave his brother a hug and walked out of the ring together just fine.

6. Summer Rae and Dolph Ziggler defeated Layla and Fandango. They gave the fans a choice by voting on Twitter if they wanted to see a dance off or a mixed tag match. The mixed tag won out. Pretty good back and forth action between these two teams and Layla and summer played their parts well. Near the end summer attacked Layla and the two got into a rolling around cat fight rolling out of the ring as fandango looked on. Ziggler hit the Zig Zag for the win. Afterward, Dolph and Summer got “close”. It almost looked like they were going to kiss for a minute but they didn’t. It’ll be interesting to see when or if they put these two on TV together.

7. Cesaro defeated Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter). Jack and Zeb got massive heat. Zeb cut a promo on how he didn’t feel comfortable being in northern Mexico. He then called out a car in the parking lot to the audience saying it wasn’t blocking anyone it was just a piece of crap that needed to get out of here. Funny. He then talked about the deserter who’s been in the news lately and said jack swagger was going to deal with the person that deserted him in Cesaro. Cesaro made his entrance with no Paul Heyman and got a good reaction from the crowd.  A very physical match that saw Cesaro get most of the offense. The crowd was antsy for the Cesaro swing toss and popped loud when he finally did it. Cesaro then hit his finisher to pick up the win.

8. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns defeated Seth Rollins and Randy Orton by DQ. This was the main event. The original advertised main event was a six man tag between The Shield vs. Randy Orton and Rybaxel, but I much preferred this. Orton and Rollins made their entrance to the Evolution theme music and came out to some massive heat. Rollins went to the center of the ring took off his Shield riot vest and dropped it to the ground, leading to him kicking it out of the ring. The “you sold out” chants rained down on Rollins and would continue throughout the match. The Shield made their entrance through the crowd to a massive pop. The match began with Ambrose vs. Rollins but Rollins wanted no part of his former partner and quickly rolled out of the ring and got back in to tag Orton.

When Rollins finally faced Ambrose they put on a heck of a show but Rollins would get the better of it and him and orton started tagging in and out to work over Ambrose. With Rollins back in the ring he hit the Eddie Guerrero triple suplex on Ambrose that drew a small “Eddie” chant from the crowd but mostly boos. Rollins fed off that and did the Eddie shoulder shake at the crowd. Rollins then went to the top rope and did the Eddie shoulder shake one more time and went for a frog splash but Ambrose countered by getting his knees up. Ambrose then made the hot tag to Reigns, who went on instant offense knocking orton off the ring and then went to work on Rollins. Reigns was getting ready to spear Rollins but orton came back and hit reigns with a chair to the back causing the DQ.

Ambrose tried to help but got a chair shot of his own. Both Rollins and orton worked over both members of the shield with the chair. Rollins was holding down Ambrose while Orton was looking to set reigns up with an RKO to the chair but Reigns countered throwing Orton into the ropes and hitting him with the Superman punch clearing him from the ring. Ambrose then got the better of Rollins finally getting his hands on the chair striking Rollins in the gut and then one more time in the back. When Rollins got up and turned around, he was met with a spear by Reigns that cleared him from the ring. Ambrose and Reigns played to the crowd to end the show.

All in all I have to say this was a great house show. It was much better then i expected and the crowd was pretty hot during the entire event.

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