WWE is scripting kids during commerical break segments because of CM Punk

Each week while Monday Night Raw is a commercial break and there’s no action in the ring, WWE sends Sarah Schreiber out to the crowd to interview fans. Sometimes, she will have kids answer trivia questions with the winner getting a prize or she’ll ask questions to kill time until the commercial break is over.

Well, WWE changed things up this week and they tried to get script kids to say things that would be asked at a later point in the night during a commercial break.

Dave Meltzer discussed this on Tuesday’s Wrestling Observer Radio while he and Bryan Alvarez were recapping Raw.

“They were trying kids out early in the show and telling them what to say,” Meltzer said. “I guess nobody was following the script good enough so I guess they didn’t do the segment at all. They were trying to fix the kids’ reaction segment because they don’t trust the kids because maybe they will bring up [someone like] Chris Jericho or CM Punk.”

Bryan Alvarez noted that a kid mentioned CM Punk during a commercial break segment back in June when he was asked who he believed was the best in the world. Click here to see the segment that Alvarez referenced.

It seems like WWE can’t get away from Punk because there were a few “CM Punk” chants this week on Monday Night Raw.

The fan segment usually gets posted on WWE’s YouTube page but, as Meltzer noted, the segment was scrapped.

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