WWE Monday Night RAW 1/2/17 results: Goldberg appears, Jericho vs. Reigns, Owens vs. Rollins

Show: RAW
Location: Tampa, FL at the Amalie Arena
Date: 1/2/17
Airing Live On The USA Network

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw, there is a recap video of last week’s episode of Raw. Mick Foley walks down to the ring while there is a shark tank at the top of the stage. Foley cut his hair. Foley talked about having new years revolution and having Chris Jericho locked inside a shark cage for the Kevin Owens – Roman Reigns match at Royal Rumble. This led to Jericho and Owens walking out. They mocked Foley’s hair cut. Jericho questioned Foley for booking Reigns in another Universal Title match and having Jericho in a cage. Foley said that he would be giving Owens his own show and his first guest is Goldberg. Owens said that they have a lot of questions for Bill. Owens asked what makes Foley think he can abuse his power. Stephanie McMahon walked out. McMahon said that she wishes he could have talked to her first before making that announcement. Owens said that they’re national treasures. McMahon booked Reigns vs. Jericho for the US Title and if Reigns is counted out or DQ’d then he will lose the title. Owens thinks she should ban Seth Rollins from ringside. McMahon noted that SmackDown Live beat RAW last week in the ratings and she is tired of it. McMahon booked Owens vs. Rollins tonight and whoever loses is banned from ringside. She told Foley to get his stuff together as they have a rating war to win.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins.

They start brawling. Owens was dumped to the floor, and Rollins hit an outside dive onto Owens. Back in the ring, Owens landed a series of strikes. Rollins with a kick to the chest of Owens for 2. Owens knocked him down and hit a series of kicks to the back of Rollins.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Owens in control of Rollins. Rollins fought back with an enziguri kick then a forearm shot. Rollins with a sling blade. Rollins sent him to the floor and hit an outside dive. Owens hit Rollins with the ring bell, and Rollins won by DQ.

Winner: Rollins.

Post-match, Rollins went for the Pedigree to Owens, but Owens got out of it and walked to the back.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Karl Anderson vs. Cesaro. Sheamus was on commentary.

They lock up, and Anderson landed a series of right hands. Cesaro knocked him down with an uppercut. Anderson drop kicked Cesaro out of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Anderson in control of Cesaro. Cesaro knocked him down and went for the giant swing, but Gallows distracted him. Anderson hit a spine buster to Cesaro for 2. Sheamus walked down to the ring to back Gallows off. Cesaro blocked a move and hit a springboard uppercut. Gallows distracted Cesaro, Anderson hit with a neck breaker off the top rope for the win.

Winner: Anderson.

-Commercial Break-

Last Man Standing Match: Braun Strowman vs. Sami Zayn

Zayn grabbed a kendo stick and hit him with it over and over. Strowman caught him and sent him into the barricade. Zayn sent him into the ring post several times. Zayn went for a flying DDT, but Strowman caught him with a right hand.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with them brawling to the back. Zayn hit him several times with a pipe. They brawl back to the stage arena. Zayn hit him with a series of chair shots then knocked him off the stage onto two tables. Strowman got up and tossed him down the stage. Strowman hit him with a power slam and Zayn couldn’t stand up.

Winner: Strowman.

Foley and EMT’s came down to the ring to put Zayn on a stretcher. Strowman knocked him off of it then sent him into the barricade.

A recap video of the Gentleman’s Duel was shown.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Titus O’Neil vs. Xavier Woods

O’Neil knocked him down and locked in a front face lock. Woods fought back with a series of kicks then sent him to the floor and hit an outside dive. Back in the ring, Woods rolled him up for the win.

Winner: Woods.

We see Bayley talking to McMahon backstage. Bayley questioned why she would allow Dana Brooke to referee her match with Charlotte last week. McMahon said that she never wanted RAW in the first place and Charlotte is someone that she wants on RAW. McMahon said that Bayley is just ordinary. Bayley all set for a #1 contender’s match later tonight. Her opponent is Nia Jax. Winner faces Charlotte at Royal Rumble.

We see Noam Dar apologizing to Alicia Fox backstage and calls her sweet cheeks then runs off.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Cedric Alexander vs. Noam Dar

They start brawling. Kendrick with a back kick. Tony Neese got on the apron, and Fox pulled him off. Dar rolled up Alexander for the win.

Winner: Alexander.

-Commercial Break-

US Title Match: Roman Reigns (c) vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho lands a series of right hands to Reigns. Reigns fired back with a clothesline. Jericho put Reigns on the apron and hit a springboard drop kick. Reigns with a big right hand then went for the drive bye but hit the post instead. Reigns barely beat the 10-count, and we cut to break.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Brian Kendrick vs. TJ Perkins.

They start brawling. Kendrick uses the top rope to his advantage then locks in a shoulder submission. Perkins fought back, tripped him and locked in the knee bar for the win. The crowd was dead for this match.

Winner: Perkins.

Big Cass came out with Enzo Amore for their match. Big Cass said that Amore couldn’t wrestle so he would take on both of them.

2-On-1 Handicap Match: Big Cass vs. Jinder Mahal and Rusev.

Cass caught Mahal early with a kick. Rusev blindly tagged himself in as Cass sent Mahal to the floor. Rusev hit him with a big boot for the win.

Winner: Rusev.

We see a recap video package of Strowman defeating Zayn from earlier tonight.

-Commercial Break-

#1 Contender’s Match: Nia Jax vs. Bayley.

Bayley tried to hit a series of strikes, but Jax knocked her down. Jax started throwing her around the ring. Jax went to the top rope but Sasha Banks walked out, which distracted her and Bayley hit the Bayley-To-Belly finisher off the middle rope for the win.

Winner: Bayley.

-Commercial Break-

Owens and Jericho come out to the ring for The Kevin Owens Show. Owens introduces Jericho, which got boos. Jericho put Tampa Bay on the list. Jericho announced that he would be in the Royal Rumble match. Owens was worried about it as he doesn’t want to fight his best friend if Jericho wins it. This led to Goldberg walking out to the ring. Goldberg told Jericho that he is first in the Royal Rumble match. Goldberg tosses a chair and takes off his shirt. Goldberg said a spear and a jack hammer happens in the match. Owens said he was not immediately by Goldberg then tossed out some chairs and a table. Goldberg told him to take his best shot. Paul Heyman walked out and said Brock Lesnar is not here tonight. Heyman gave us a spoiler for the Royal Rumble match. He vowed that Lesnar would eliminate everyone and win the match. Goldberg said he would take out Lesnar. Goldberg told Owens that they have a date at the Royal Rumble. Reigns and Strowman walked out to the ring. Strowman said he would be winning the Royal Rumble. Reigns and Goldberg hit Strowman with a double spear. They have a staredown to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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