Full Raw results for 4/14/14

We will be covering Raw live tonight. Tonight’s show is dedicated to the memory of the Ultimate Warrior. Josh Matthews, Booker T, Alex Riley, and Sgt Slaughter all said a word about Warrior before the pre-show began on the WWE Network. Slaughter said he was happy that he was able to see him at the Hall of Fame.

Ultimate Warrior tribute. The show started with the wrestlers on the stage in Warrior shirts. Vince McMahon, Triple H, John Cena, and Stephanie McMahon were front and center. They went to an awesome video tribute to the Ultimate Warrior. After the tribute they did a 10 bell salute. The crowd then chanted “Warrior.” Tonight’s show will have Warrior tributes spread out. They showed the brackes for the IC title tournament to determine a number one contender.

The brackets: Henry vs. Cesaro, Van Dam vs. Del Rio, Sheamus vs. Swagger, Ziggler vs. Barrett.

Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio. The announcers note that RVD took time off to recharge his batteries but he’s back now and focused. Commercial break during the match. Del Rio got frustrated because he couldn’t pnin RVD after a kick to the head. The story here is Del Rio took too much time after that kick out and that allowed RVD to recuperate and hit the five-star frog splash for the win. He advances in the tournament. He faces the winner of Cesaro vs. Mark Henry.

They showed highlights from the Daniel Bryan segment from last week when he was attacked by Orton, Batista and Triple H and then saved by The Shield. Bryan is not on Raw tonight because he’s on his honeymoon with Brie Bella. Back live.. Triple H and Steph with Orton and Batista. They’re discussing something. They showed the Warrior vs. Honky Tonk Man match from Summerslam 1988.

Back from commercial. We see Orton, Batista, Steph, and Triple H again backstage.  Triple H said that he doesn’t know who can stop the Shield when they’re together. Triple H said that when Orton, Batista, and H are on the same page no one can stop them. Batista and Orton said that they both want to be champ and Triple H is on his own.

Rhodes Brothers vs. Rybaxel is next. Cody hit the disaster kick. Goldust was taken out and was on the outside. Rybaxel nailed Cody with a clothesline and got the pin. Cole hyped the free one week WWE Network trial. They plugged WrestleMania 30 on the network and tons of original programming this week. They cut to a Legends House commercial.

Paige vs. Alicia Fox for the divas championship. Paige wins with the submission. I BOlieve is trending on twitter. They showed highlights from Orton/Batista vs. The Usos from last week.

The Usos vs. Randy Orton and Batista. The Usos are wearing Ultimate Warrior t-shirts and facepaint. During the match The Shield attacked Orton and took him out. Then they turned their focus to Batista. Reigns hit Batista with the Superman punch. Orton and Batista retreated. They’ll have to regroup. The match for next month is scheduled to be Evolution vs. The Shield so you can see where this is going.

Another Ultimate Warrior video airs. This one is the title vs. title match pitting Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 6.  We go to commercial break.

Back from the break Orton and Batista are angry. Triple H and Steph look at them. Triple  H said “told you.”

Cesaro vs. Mark Henry. Paul Heyman comes out with a microphone. He says that his client asked him to show photographs from WrestleMania. He shows a “defeated man.” He says that Taker is “all alone.” The final photos show Brock hitting the F5 and standing. Heyman said that it’s ironic that the loss to Brock immortalized the Undertaker. He said that he’s anointing someone new to be the next top tier talent. He introduces the King of Swing Cesaro. Cesaro comes out to no music. Mark Henry comes out with an Ultimate Warrior t-shirt. Cesaro finishes Henry off with a flying European uppercut off the second rope and the neutralizer. Amazing strength. Paul Heyman announces Cesaro as the winner. They show Big E in the back watching the monitor. They played the video that played last week where WWE thanks the fans.

Back from the break. Steph and Triple H tell Brad Maddox to let the Shield know that they have a match tonight but they won’t know their opponents beforehand.

Alexander Rusev (with Lana) vs. Xavier Woods. Looks like a squash match here. Xavier was already in the ring. Rusev beats Xavier quickly with the camel cluch (now called the Accolade). R-Truth comes in after the match to save his friend. Rusev stares him down. Rusev charges at him and kicks him. Commercial break.

Back from the break we get a video with highlights from SummerSlam 90: Ultimate Warrior vs. Ravishing Rick Rude. It’s very sad knowing that both of them are gone. They plugged the WWE Network and plugged the free week. They showed a sneak peek of the special on Daniel Bryan that premiered last week on the network.

Jack Swagger vs. Sheamus is up next. Sheamus wins with the brogue kick and advances in the tournament. Zeb doesn’t look happy. Sheamus was favoring his ankle after the match so it looks like that might favor into his semi-final match. They showed the Adam Rose vignette.

They showed a teaser for Warrior Week starting tomorrow on the WWE Network. They showed never before seen footage of Warrior backstage during Mania weekend.

Damien Sandow and Big Show segment. Sandow is talking but he’s interrupted by Show’s music. Sandow refuses to be silenced by anyone and keeps talking. He tells Show that if he’s got anything to say he needs to keep it to himself because he’s not finished. Sandow says that people should be begging to touch him because he deserves it and he’s earned it. He asks Show what he has to say about all of this. He said that Show looks at him and sees the future and a future champion and he sees greatness. Show knocked him out. No match, just a KO. The Wyatts are next.

Tomorrow on WWE Main Event: Jack Swagger vs. Big Show.

Wyatt Family segment. Bray does an in-ring promo with the lights off. He tells everyone that he has never once lied to them. He said that John Cena has “lied to you all.” “He is no man, he is beast.” Wyatt said that he’s not gonna let him do this anymore. He said that Abigail shall be his sword through this crusade but right now he just wanted to come out and play. Cena’s music hits. Cena says he wants to try something different and wants to have some fun. He says he bets Rowan has jokes for days and Harper is the type to go streaking right through the quad. He says it takes a mans man for Bray to wear white pants and he’s secretly a ladies man. He tossed in a Roll Tide reference for the cheap pop. Cena said he found Sister Abigal on myspace. It’s a photoshopped photo of Bray. Then he posts a picture of “Bray’s mom” Bobby Jo Wyatt. Then he posted a pic of “baby Wyatt” Chastity Lynn Wyatt. Cena then got serious. He said that when “John Cena gets serious Bray Wyatt gets beat.” Cena said that if Bray gets beat again then Bray becomes the desperate man. The challenge from Cena: Extreme Rules Cena vs. Wyatt in a steel cage. Bray laughed and said he likes it. Bray sang “whole world in his hands.” Cena almost ruined it with his “comedy” but Bray brought it back.

They plugged the WrestleMania XXX on demand airing on the WWE Network. They really need to do more to get across to people that they can watch on their TV not just their mobile device.

Fandango and Layla vs. Santino Marella and Emma. They showed the twitter “break up” tweets between Fandango and Summer Rae. Quick match. Layla pins Emma. Backstage Steph tells Kane that he let his personal emotions take over. She says he failed with taking care of Daniel Bryan. She said he’s a shell of what he used to be. He used to be the big red machine and used to be a monster and used to make women and children cry. She asks what happened to the devils favorite demon. She asks what happened to Kane. Kane stares her down and looks over at his mask. He holds the mask up and says that he will send Daniel Bryan to the depths of hell. Commercial break.

Back from commercial. BOlieve vignette airs. They plugged Warrior week on the WWE Network and then they showed his speech from last week.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Bad News Barrett. Ziggler is wearing an Ultimate Warrior shirt. We get a commercial break before Bad News Barrett comes out. Back from the break..a new Adam Rose promo. Bad News Barrett comes out for his match with Ziggler. There’s a commercial break in the middle of this match. Back from the break and we get CM Punk chants from the fans. Ziggler kicked out after Barrett hit the wasteland. Barrett hit the winds of change but Ziggler kicked out of that too. This is a really good match. He almost hit the bull hammer but Ziggler schoolboyed him for a near 3 count. Barrett finally got the bull hammer and pinned Ziggler. Barrett grabbed the mic and said that he’s afraid that he’s got some bad news. He told everyone to mark his words. He says he’s the next Intercontinental champion. He will fight Sheamus in the semi-finals. RVD vs. Cesaro is the other semi-final match. The announcers then said that Daniel Bryan comes back next week and he has this to look forward to.. cue video of old clips of evil masked Kane.

The Shield vs. Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, Fandango, 3MB, Titus O’Neil, Rybaxel, Alexander Rusev, and Bad News Barrett. So it’s 3 vs. 11 men. Reigns speared Ryback on the outside and then he got jumped by the 11 men. Match is over. No contest i guess. Rollins did a dive and knocked them all down like bowling pins. The Shield eventually got outnumbered.  EVOLUTION’s music played. Orton, Triple H, and Batista came down to the ring. Triple H tells everyone to leave the ring. The Shield are in the ring laying. Evolution attacks the Shield. Roman fights back but gets hit with the RKO. Batista hits Roman with the Batista Bomb. Orton hits Rollins with the RKO. Fans chant “YES, YES, YES” hoping for Daniel Bryan. Batista Bomb on Rollins and a Batista Bomb/RKO combination on Ambrose. Triple H grabs the mic. Triple grabs the mic and tells Reigns to “believe in Evolution.” He hits Reigns with the pedigree. Evolution’s music plays as the show ends.

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