WWE Monday Night Raw 9/5/16 results: Owens vs. Zayn, Rollins vs. Jericho

Show: RAW
Location: Kansas City, MO at the Sprint Center
Date: September 5th, 2016
Airing Live On The USA Network

Welcome to the WWE Raw Pre-Show, and we are live on the WWE Network. Scott Stanford, Booker T, Lita, and Jerry Lawler hype what we will see tonight, which is the Kevin Owens. A video package of last week’s show was shown. There was a backstage segment with Charlotte and Dana Brooke. Charlotte got onto Brooke for losing to Bayley twice. Brooke told her that she is failing her. Charlotte told Brooke to take notes when she beats Bayley.

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw, there is a recap video of last week’s episode of Raw. We see Stephanie McMahon on the phone trying to make plans for Kevin Owens’ celebration. Mick Foley walked up and told her that Triple H made him look like a fool last week. Foley wants to know what happened. Stephanie said that she didn’t know anything about it, and she expects him to believe that. Foley questioned what she said. Foley brought the first time he met her back in 1998, and he has always believed her. Foley wants to know why he should believe her now. Stephanie said that she was embarrassed by Triple H’s actions, and she is dealing with a lot. Foley said that he believed her and walked off.

After the opening intro, McMahon and Foley are in the ring then introduce Owens to the ring. Owens is wearing a suit. There was pyro, balloons, streamers and more. Owens cuts a promo about deserving the title and won’t he doesn’t deserve all of the fans trying to take his moment. Owens said that the fans are not great or special. He knows that he deserves and doesn’t need anyone to tell him that. Owens said that he beat three Superstars last week but is man enough to credit Triple H for giving him a nudge. Owens believes he should be at the top of this industry. Owens welcomed us to the Kevin Owens Show. Seth Rollins walked out and ranted at Stephanie not backing him. Rollins said that he knows that Owens is just a puppet, and if he doesn’t shut up not even Triple H can save him. Stephanie said that she didn’t know, and Foley backed her. Rollins asked if Foley is in her pocket. Foley said no but did admit that he had her back. Rollins explained that Owens has had his hand held the entire time he has been in this company. Rollins promised to burn this company to the ground and said that Stephanie would be begging him to stop when he is done. Owens asked where this passion has been from Rollins. Owens called Rollins a failure since coming back from injury. Rollins attacked Owens and sent him to the floor. Stephanie indefinitely suspended Rollins. Foley rejected her order and said that Rollins is not suspended. Foley asked her to book the matches the fans want to see, and he will not put a talent like Rollins on the shelf. Booked Rollins vs. Owens for the title at Clash of Champions PPV.

-Commercial Break-

Owens was upset with Foley backstage. Foley stopped him and booked him in a match against Sami Zayn tonight. Chris Jericho walked up and questioned Foley’s decision making. Foley booked Jericho vs. Rollins for tonight.

Singles Match: Charlotte vs. Bayley.

They lock up, and Bayley knocked her out of the ring. Bayley hit a drop kick and sent Charlotte back into the ring. Charlotte rolled back out of the ring and then slapped Bayley.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Charlotte in control of Bayley. Bayley fought back and hit a clothesline. Bayley went to the top rope, but Charlotte knocked her off and continued to attack the left knee of Bayley. Bayley fought back, but Charlotte rolled her up. Bayley kicked out at two and pushed Charlotte into Brooke. Bayley hit Bayley-To-Belly for the win.

Winner: Bayley.

-Commercial Break-

Charlotte screamed at Brooke backstage for making her lose against Bayley.

Bo Dallas walked out and cut a promo on his promo that there is nowhere to go and just Bolieve.

Singles Match: Bo Dallas vs. Kyle Roberts.

Dallas with a clothesline and then landed a series of right hands. Dallas hit his finisher for the win.

Winner: Dallas.

Jericho and Owens are shown talking backstage about their matches tonight.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins.

They lock up, and Rollins landed a series of strikes. Rollins tossed him to the floor and hit an outside dive. Rollins landed a series of strikes. Back in the ring, Jericho hit a dropkick to Rollins, which sent him to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Rollins sending Jericho face first into the turnbuckle. Rollins hit a flying forearm and then a splash off the top rope for 2. Jericho tripped him and went for the Walls, but Rollins got out and hit a knee strike. Rollins went for a springboard move, but Jericho caught him and locked in the Walls. Rollins got out of it and kicked Jericho in the face for 2. Rollins went for a splash but missed. Jericho hit the Lionsault for 2. Rollins fought back and hit the Pedigree for the win.

Winner: Rollins.

-Commercial Break-

Best of Seven Series Match: Sheamus vs. Cesaro.

Sheamus went right at Cesaro’s back and targeted. Sheamus went for a submission, but Cesaro fought out. Sheamus cut him off with a backbreaker. Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner: Sheamus (3-0).

-Commercial Break-

Enzo Amore and Big Cass cut a promo on The Shining Stars about being a couple of haters. Amore said that he feels like he is going into labor because it’s labor day. Cass asked the fans who they were going while Amore did sit ups.

Tag Team Match: Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Shining Stars.

Cass and Primo started things off. Cass sent him to the floor, and Enzo took out Primo with an outside dive.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Primo hitting a series of suplexes to Amore. Cass took out Epico with a clothesline and hit an elbow drop. Primo rolled up Amore for the win.

Winners: Enzo Amore and Big Cass

-Commercial Break-

Sami Zayn cuts a promo backstage hyping his match with Owens. Zayn said that he thought all of his problems would end after he beat Owens at Battleground. Zayn said that he is a little bit jealous of Owens for winning the Universal Title. Owens walked up and said that a couple of years ago, he was trying to catch up to Zayn but now, Zayn is trying to catch up to him, and he beat Zayn in the race to the top of WWE. Owens said that he is better than Zayn.

Singles Match: Nia Jax vs. Ann Esposito

Jax knocked her down and hit her in the corner. Jax hit her finisher for the win.

Winner: Jax.

-Commercial Break-

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson cut a promo in the ring about retiring The New Day as RAW Tag Team Champions. They bring out three guys dressed up as New Day when they get old. Anderson and Gallows mocked them. The actors said that they got the power of positivity beatdown out of them. The real New Day walked and asked them who was their favorite X-Men was. New Day said if they came into contact with themselves in the future then the WWE Universe would blow up. New Day went to attack Anderson and Gallows, but Gallows and Anderson got out of the ring. New Day attacked the old New Day to end the segment.

-Commercial Break-

There was a recap video package of the Titus O’Neil – Darren Young feud.

Singles Match: Jinder Mahal vs. Darren Young.

They lock up, and Mahal knocked him down. Young fought out of a headlock and hit a shoulder block. O’Neil walked down to the ring and distracted Young. Young hit his finisher to Mahal for the win.

Winner: Young.

Post-match, O’Neil, and Young brawled until they were separated by referees.

Alicia Fox and Nia Jax did a backstage segment. Fox freaked out and started throwing stuff. Jax walked off.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Braun Strowman vs. Sin Cara.

Strowman knocked him down, and Cara sent him into the corner. Strowman pushed him down and hit a clothesline. Strowman tossed him to the floor and won by count out.

Winner: Strowman.

-Commercial Break-

Sasha Banks walks down to the ring and provides an injury update. Banks said that there have women who broke ground on a revolution in women’s wrestling. Banks said that the revolution started in 2015. Banks said that WWE stopped bra and pantie matches or butterfly titles. Banks said that they finally did what they wanted, and that was to be called Superstars. Banks said that the revolution is more than just WWE, but it is every mother, sister, daughter. Banks said that Charlotte tried to break her back at SummerSlam and that she met with the doctors earlier today. Dana Brooke walked out and said that the only champion WWE needs is Charlotte. Brooke walked down to the ring and Banks put her in the Banks Statement. Banks said that the bad news is for Charlotte because she wants her title back at Clash of Champions.

-Commercial Break-

Main Event: Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn.

They start brawling to begin the match. Zayn hit a drop kick, and Owens rolled to the floor. Zayn hit a moonsault off the barricade to take out Owens.

-Commercial Break-

Zayn fought back and hit an outside dive then the Blue Thunder bomb for 2. Owens hit a clothesline and then went for a cannonball in the corner but Zayn caught him and hit a suplex. Zayn went for a big boot but Owens rolled to the apron. Owens and Zayn battled out on the apron. Back in the ring, Owens hit a clothesline and then a cannonball in the corner. Zayn hit a suplex to Owens for 2. Owens fought back and sent him into the ring post. Zayn blocked a move and hit a suplex on the floor. Back in the ring, Zayn went for a big boot but stumbled and Owens hit a powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Owens.

Post-match, roman Reigns and Jericho walked down to the ring. Foley walked out and said that he can tell that Reigns wants Owens. Foley booked Reigns vs. Owens in a singles match on next week’s episode of RAW and if Reigns wins the match then he will put Reigns in the WWE Title match between Rollins and Owens at Clash of Champions. Reigns hit a spear to Jericho to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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