WWE NXT Heatwave Results: Oba Femi Retains North American Title In Hot Opener

NXT North American Champion Oba Femi vs. Wes Lee was booked at this year’s WWE NXT Heatwave Premium Live Event. The following is the play-by-play coverage of the match: 

Femi was tossing Lee around to start the match with Lee bumping for him in and out of the ring. Femi with a gorilla press into a wild F5. Femi tossed Lee face first into the side of the ring. Lee tried to mount a comeback only for Femi to hit him with a big chop to his chest followed by a back breaker. Lee reversed a powerslam with a roll up for 2. Lee with a medorra from the middle rope to the back of Femi. Lee went for a dive again only to be caught by a Femi uppercut. Femi went for a powerbomb off the middle rope, but Lee reversed it and caught him with the cardiac kick for 2. Lee with a frog splash only for Oba to no-sell it and they spilled to the floor. Lee went for a moonsault off the apron and Oba hit him with a storm breaker. Lee went for his finisher again, but Oba blocked it. Lee went for it again and was caught where Oba tossed him in the air and then hit a powerbomb for the win. 

Winner: Oba Femi

Click here for complete WWE NXT Heatwave results.

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