WWE NXT Results for September 20, 2022

September 20th, 2022
Capital Wrestling Center
Orlando, Florida

Welcome to our live coverage of WWE NXT. announced for tonight’s show, Nathan Frazer will battle Axiom in match two of their best of three series, Cora Jade will take on Wendy Choo, Toxic Attraction will take on Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley, and JD McDonagh will take on Tyler Bate in a number one contenders match. 

– We see footage of earlier in the day, Shawn Michaels forces Solo Sikoa to give up the North American championship, Hayes wants to be handed the championship but Shawn announces that at Halloween Havoc in six weeks, we will determine a new North American champion in a ladder match. 

Match 1: Nathan Frazer vs Axiom 

– The match starts off with both men locking up, both men then exchange a series of counters, Axiom then hits a dropkick on Frazer, followed by a northern lights suplex to secure a nearfall, Frazer then catches Axiom in midair with a dropkick as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Axiom land a series of strikes on Frazer, followed by a dropkick, Frazer then hits a sidekick on Axiom to secure a nearfall, Axiom then hits a belly-to-belly suplex from the top rope on Frazer to secure a nearfall, Frazer then hits a superplex from the top rope, followed by a fenix splash from the top rope to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Nathan Frazer at 13:15.

Match 2: Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne vs Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley 

– We are back from commercial as we see Paxley hits a dropkick on Gigi, Gigi and Paxley then slam each other down face first on the mat, Gigi and Jayne then hit a double team side kick to the face of Ivy to secure the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin at 3:58.

Match 3: The Dyad vs Edris Enofe and Malik Blade 

– The match starts off with Enofe hitting a jumping closeline on Rip Fowler to secure a nearfall, Edris then hits a plancha to the outside, taking out both members of The Dyad as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Jagger Reid and Blade exchange a series of strikes, Reid then stomps on the face of Blade, Blade then hits a rough rider on Fowler to secure a nearfall, Reid then hits a Canadian destroyer on Enofe to secure the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: The Dyad at 9:17. 

Match 4: Wendy Choo vs Cora Jade 

– The match starts off with Wendy locking in a headlock on Jade, Wendy then hits a dropkick on Jade, Cora then chokes Choo against the bottom rope, Wendy then hits a belly-to-belly on Jade, followed by a german suplex, Cora then hits a DDT on Wendy to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Cora Jade at 4:15.

– After the match, Lash Legend takes out Wendy with a big boot. 

Match 5: Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams vs Bodhi Hayward and Andre Chase 

– The match starts off with Trick hitting a dropkick on Chase, Hayward then hits a jumping shoulder tackle on Trick, Hayes then hits a springboard closeline on Bodhi, Chase then rolls up Hayes to secure the pinfall victory. 

Winners via pinfall: Andre Chase and Bodhi Hayward at 4:15.

Match 6: Sanga vs Von Wagner 

– The match starts off with Sanga taking Wagner down with a shoulder tackle, Sanga then big boots Wagner off the apron, Wagner then sends Sanga into the steel steps, Wagner then hits a fireman’s carry slam on Sanga to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Von Wagner at 2:52.

Match 7: Grayson Waller vs Oro Mensah 

– The match starts off with Waller punching Mensah in the mouth, Waller then hits a belly-to-back suplex on Mensah, Waller then lands a series of stiff elbows to the face of Mensah, Waller then goes for the rolling stunner but Apollo Crews steps in the way, Mensah then hits a running spinning heelkick onto Waller in the corner to secure the pinfall victory. 

Winner via pinfall: Oro Mensah at 5:24.

Match 8: JD McDonagh vs Tyler Bate 

– The match starts off with Bate airplane spinning JD, both men then exchange a series of rollups, both men go down as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see JD lock in a boston crab on Bate, Bate then hits a dive over the top rope, taking out JD, Bate then hits a standing shooting star on JD to secure a nearfall, JD then hits a moonsault from the second rope onto Bate on the outside, followed by a 450 splash from the top rope to secure a nearfall, both men then exchange a series of stiff punches, JD then hits a top rope Spanish fly on Bate, followed by the devil inside to secure the pinfall victory. 

Winner via pinfall: JD McDonagh at 12:54.

 – Bron Breakker and JD McDonagh stare off, Ilja Dragunov then interrupts, all three men then stare each other down as NXT goes off the air.  

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