WWE SmackDown Live 1/10/17 results: Corbin vs. Cena, Wyatt Family vs. American Alpha

Show: WWE SmackDown
Location: Baton Rouge, LA at the Raising Canes River Center Arena
Date: January 10th, 2017
Airing on the USA Network

Welcome to SmackDown Live. We get a recap video of The Miz – Dean Ambrose feud. Dean Ambrose walks down to the ring to open the show. He welcomes us to the Ambrose Asylum. Ambrose puts himself into the Royal Rumble match. He said that he wanted a live alligator in the ring but they didn’t have the permit. Ambrose introduces…. The Miz walks out with Maryse. Miz said that each day that Ambrose is champion means that the IC Title is brought down in prestige. The Miz enters himself into the Royal Rumble match. Miz wants him to hand over the IC Title. Ambrose said he does have something of Miz’s. Miz said that Ambrose is a sensible guy and doing the right thing. Ambrose gave Miz a participation award and said that he tried. Miz attacks Ambrose and lands a series of right hand. Ambrose foughts back and hits Dirty Deeds to Miz. Ambrose gives Maryse the award and walked to the back.

We see a recap video of the rivalry between Nikki Bella and Natalya. We see a recap video of the rivalry between Nikki Bella and Natalya. Bella is walking in the back when Natalya runs up behind her and attacks her.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Nikki Bella vs. Natalya.

Bella ran down to the ring and attacked Natalya. Natalya rolled out of the ring and Bella chased her down. They start brawling outside the ring. The bell never rang so the match never started. WWE officials come out and separate the two. Natalya locked in the sharpshooter and then walked to the back.

Dolph Ziggler was asked about his actions last week but he stayed silent and walked away.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Kalisto vs. Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler trips him and they do some mat wrestling. Kalisto caught him with a kick then went for a springboard dive but Ziggler knocked him down and we cut to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Ziggler in control of Kalisto. Moments later, they exchanged roll ups and Kalisto pinned him.

Winner: Kalisto

Post-match, Ziggler hit him with a clothesline and some right hands. Apollo Crews runs down to the ring to make the save but Ziggler hit him several times with a steel chair.

American Alpha cuts a backstage promo about how they will retain the SmackDown Live Tag Team Titles tonight.

-Commercial Break-

John Cena cuts a backstage promo about being called a hasbeen by AJ Styles and Baron Corbin last week. He said that it’s been a long time since he has fought to earn his keep. He said that he has been fired and he will make Styles learn at Royal Rumble and Corbin tonight.

The Wyatt Family cut a backstage promo about the devil being at American Alpha’s back door.

SmackDown Live Tag Team Title Match: The Wyatt Family vs. American Alpha ©

Orton and Jordan start things off. Jorda with a side headlock then tagged in Gable, who locked in a waist lock. Orton got out of it with a series of uppercuts. Wyatt was tagged in and went for his finisher but Gable blocked it and sent him to the floor. Gable with an outside dive then sent him back into the ring. Wyatt tackles Gable for 2. Wyatt and Orton beat down Gable. Moments later, Jordan got the hot tag and hit a suplex to Orton then some shoulder blocks to Orton and Wyatt. Luke Harper distracted Jordan and Wyatt attacked him from behind. Orton was tagged in and hit a suplex to Jordan.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Wyatt in control of Jordan as he hit a back splash. Jordan caught him with a clothesline and tagged in Gable. Gable hit a suplex to Orton. Wyatt broke up the pin and sent Jordan to the floor. Gable sent him to the floor. Gable hit a dive off the top rope to Orton for 2. Orton poked Gable in the eye and hit a spike DDT. Harper got on the apron, which distracted Orton and Gable rolled up Orton for the win.

Winners: American Alpha.

Post-match, Wyatt was trying to stop Orton and Harper from fighting with each other. Harper accidentally superkicked Wyatt. Wyatt got up and walked to the back while Orton and Harper stood in the ring.

-Commercial Break-

There was a backstage segment with Becky Lynch showing Daniel Bryan that Alexa Bliss was LA Luchadora. Bryan booked Lynch vs. Bliss for the Women’s Title inside a steel cage.

Singles Match: Carmella vs. CJ Lunde

Carmella beat her down and hit her finisher for the win. Complete squash match.

Winner: Carmella

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We see Carmella telling James Ellsworth that they’re going shopping next week. Ellsworth thought she was going to kiss him but that didn’t happen.

Corbin cuts a backstage promo about ending Cena’s days. Styles walked up and said that tonight is Corbin’s night. He said that he would be on commentary for his match.

Singles Match: John Cena vs. Baron Corbin.

Corbin knocked him down after being punched and sent him to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Cena going for an AA on Corbin but Corbin fell on him. Corbin sent him to the floor and into the barricade. Cena fought back and hit a double axe. Corbin missed a spear and ate the steel steps. Back in the ring, Corbin caught Cena and hit a powerslam. Corbin hit him with the deep six. Moments later, Cena fought back and hit a DDT off the middle rope. Cena connects with the side slam then the five knuckle shuffle and went for the AA, which he hit for the win.

Winner: Cena.

Cena and Styles have a staredown to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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