WWE Superstars celebrate DX’s Anniversary with awesome photos

Are you ready? You better be because these WWE Superstars were sure excited about D-Generation X’s 20-year-anniversary.

You think you can tell us what to do? Well, they’re not ordering you to be as happy as they were for DX’s platinum anniversary, but it’s still a very cool landmark.

You think you can tell us what to wear? These WWE Superstars were sporting DX shirts as they struck iconic poses for the Hall Of Fame worthy stable.

It’s a pretty cool thing we’re celebrating DX’s 20-year-anniversary if you’re okay with feeling really old. But you need to degenerate into something, fool. Because sometimes you just get tired of doing what they told you to do. But that’s the breaks boy, yeah. That’s the breaks, little man. So break it down.

That was fun. Now here are some WWE Superstars celebrating DX’s big double-decade celebration.

So, this picture got some controversy started. We assume these pictures could have been taken at any time so it’s likely Bayley’s shoulder wasn’t separated as she threw up her arms BUT WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON HERE?

Besides, WWE has essentially known we’d be celebrating DX’s 20-year-anniversary for twenty years. Because say it’s your birthday today and you’re 24-years-old… twenty-four years ago they knew how old you would be turning today. WWE could have theoretically had a picture of anyone from Yokozuna to Katie Vick wearing a DX shirt and they could have just saved it for twenty years.

We’re willing to bet that picture of Sasha and Bayley isn’t twenty years old though or those shirts wouldn’t have fit them so well. But it’s certainly an interesting thought and an even cooler tribute to DX.

If you’re having a conversation about who New Day owes the most to so they have the ability to be so unfiltered and have a ton of fun in the ring, you’ve gotta thank D-Generation X. Although if Kofi Kingston and Big E tried to some of the stuff Shawn and Hunter did back in the day there might be a lot of explaining to do, not to mention what Xavier Woods would probably do if he could take it to an “Attitude Era” level.

New Day put on some D-Generation X gear and threw up the “X” like they were a panicked referee to celebrate DX’s big day.

The Hardy Boyz got into the act as well. Matt Hardy and his Brother Nero had some dealings with DX. Back in the day WWE even teased Jeff Hardy and his Woken Brethren in joining the DX ranks which would have been very cool if they did it right. Now everyone’s much older and wise, but still, a little bit Broken. However, nobody’s deleted the memories of DX because they are anything but obsolete.

The King Of Strong Style got in on the act as well. Let’s just say he uses a very familiar pose as DX did during his entrance so he’s used to throwing up an “X.” He owes a lot to Triple H too, so we can only imagine how special it was to be asked to take part in this photo celebration.

Breezeango has to be in consideration if WWE ever wants to form a new DX. We’re not saying they ever need to because it would probably not work out too well. But nostalgia is WWE’s ace in the hole and they love cashing in those dollars from yesteryear. So you never know what WWE could do.

Tyler Breeze and Fandango look pretty good in those DX shirts and they’re very good at improv and comedy. So if WWE ever did want to put the D-Generation X banner on another team, there’s probably nobody closer to the New Age Outlaws than these two right here. It’s almost ironic because Road Dogg probably had a lot to do with the fact they’re so awesome.

You might call him a legend at Indiana University or Kurt Angle’s favorite mistake. But Jason Jordan got in on the action too. The former SmackDown Tag Team Champion looks pretty good in DX gear and we imagine his proud Papa Kurt was standing off to the side of this photo just admiring his baby boy.

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Credit for all photos goes to WWE

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