WWE Survivor Series Results: Shinsuke Nakamura Wins United States Championship

WWE United States Champion LA Knight vs. Shinsuke Nakamura took place on Saturday night at the WWE Survivor Series: WarGames Premium Live Event from the Rogers Arena in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

It was even in the early going. Once they brawled to the floor, Nakamura took over and started the beat down. Shinsuke caught him with a wicked back elbow for 2. Knight caught him with a DDT for 2 and then followed by the torture rack. Knight got caught up on the top rope and Shinsuke hit a reverse DDT off the middle rope for 2. The story of the match was that Knight was making mistakes. Knight fought back and hit an elbow drop off the top rope. Nakamura with a neck breaker on the steel cover followed by his finisher for the win.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

Click here for complete WWE Survivor Series: WarGames results.


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