WWE Talking Smack hosts were never told about the show being canceled as a weekly series

As Andrew Ravens reported earlier, Talking Smack has been canceled as a weekly series on the WWE Network. The series will continue after Smackdown-branded pay-per-view events. The writing was on the wall when the show was moved to a later timeslot after the company decided to launch 205 Live. Renee Young and Daniel Bryan both indicated that they were not told anything and they were made aware of the news on Twitter.

You’d think that they could at least have told Young because, according to Gene Okerlund’s Facebook page, she was at WWE headquarters when the news broke with Okerlund to film wrap around footage for the WWE Vintage show that is seen outside of the United States.

Young also retweeted this tweet:


Young also liked tweets from fans expressing disappointment at WWE for not letting her and Bryan know before the news got out online. One of her liked tweets included one from user @ViewtifulJeff that read: “That’s messed up. You’re their best interviewer and they’ve been jerking you around a LOT this year. :/”

If the decision was made because the show was not drawing enough viewers then I can understand that but it certainly did not help the show when they decided to move it from a live format to a tape delayed format after 205 Live.

Meanwhile, screenwriter Max Landis has launched a Change.org petition in an attempt to put pressure on WWE to bring the show back as a weekly show. If you’d like to sign it, click here.

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