Is Roman Reigns in trouble?, Alexa Bliss not happy about tonight’s Raw match, Mark Henry reacts to ‘Black Panther’

I would imagine that there are some people in WWE that are nervous right now. If steroid dealer Richard Rodriguez follows through on his claims about Roman Reigns this week then it puts WWE in an interesting position. There’s a chance that, if the evidence is credible, that Reigns will get a 60-day suspension. That would mean that he would miss WrestleMania and could cause changes to the men’s Elimination Chamber match. For those of you that missed it, click here for the latest on the Reigns-steroid dealer story.

In other news, Mark Henry posted a classic photo from his days in the Nation Of Domination. His tweet was his reaction to seeing the “Black Panther” movie. The film drew a massive audience. The weekend estimate is $235,000,000. That would be the fifth largest opening of all-time.

As noted on Sunday, there will be a 6-woman tag team match on Raw that will feature everyone that will compete in Sunday’s women’s Elimination Chamber match. As you can see in the video below, Bliss is not happy about tonight’s match.

There will be another match featuring the men’s Elimination Chamber participants. Click here for more.

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