Wednesday Night War 2/5/20: AEW Dynamite gets a big win over WWE NXT

WWE tried to boost the ratings for this week’s NXT by hyping Charlotte Flair’s appearance but that was not enough to beat this week’s episode of AEW Dynamite.

This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite drew 928,000 viewers against NXT’s 770,000 viewers.

AEW closed out this week’s show with the 10 lashes to the back of Cody Rhodes. NXT closed out with the Velveteen Dream and there was a lot of hype for the return of Charlotte Flair. As is the case on most weeks, AEW won all the demos except for viewers over 50 years old.

Here is the demographic breakdown for both shows:’

Viewers 18-49: AEW 0.36 / NXT 0.22
Female viewers 18-49: AEW 0.22 / NXT 0.15
Male viewers 18-49: AEW 0.50 / NXT 0.30
Viewers 18-34: AEW 0.22 / NXT 0.14
Female viewers 12-34: AEW 0.13 / NXT 0.08
Male viewers 12-34: AEW 0.28 / NXT 0.15
Viewers 25-54: AEW 0.39 / NXT 0.26
Viewers 50+: AEW 0.34 / NXT 0.40

Miz and Mrs drew 475,000 viewers.

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