Brian Cage on his time in WWE developmental and working in Lucha Underground

Thanks to Craig Anderson for sending us the following:

Lucha Underground superstar Brian Cage joined the Chad Dukes Wrestling Show this past week to discuss Lucha Underground Season 3, AAA Triplemania, Suicide Squad and comic book films.

On the chemistry of Lucha Underground’s locker room:

“I think it’s really just the factor that everyone’s having fun. There’s no restrictions, they’re not like, ‘Hey, sorry guys you can’t do this because this guy’s doing this,’ or ‘Hey you guys have to have a crap match because we want this guy who’s not so good to look the best today.’ It’s whether you have four minutes or fourteen minutes, go out there and have the best match you can have, whatever allotted time that you have. The fact that nobody is trying to politic or back stab each other or get one over on somebody else or a crybaby, protective over this or that or whatever. The fact they’re all there as a team effort to have a bad ass show and have a great time doing it, all getting to live and do what we love to do, is I think probably the main factor. I think you can just tell too. [Johnny Mundo], towards the end of his run in WWE, he’s solid athlete, a great worker, but he just didn’t seem the same presence. When he comes out now at Lucha Underground you can tell he’s enjoying himself and having more fun and doing more stuff, where in the [WWE] it gets daunting whether it’s the travel schedule or what you can or can’t do.”

On his time in WWE developmental:

“My lifelong dream was to be there by the time I was 24, which is when I got signed, I was in their developmental league, and though I never made it full-time to the main roster, it was a little bit of a dream killer to see the ins and outs, how depressing it seems like a lot of people were, because if you weren’t that top five guy or wherever, which realistically if you’re not a that guy that they want to be that guy, no matter what you do, how good you are, how charismatic, how over you get with the crowd, you’re not going to be that guy. They say you got to get yourself over, which was the biggest load of garbage ever heard my life. They get you over and if they don’t want you to be over, you’re not going to get over. I mean Zack Ryder’s probably one of best examples of that. He totally got himself over and he had the fans chanting for him over The Rock, when The Rock was in the damn ring, and what did they do, use that to get some sort of B.S. rub to Cena? I mean come on, get real.”

On wearing a Trump shirt in Mexico for AAA:

“I came back actually from a AAA loop and I was doing cardio with my buddy and he was like, ‘Oh, did you hear that Trump speech about Mexicans?’ I’m like, ‘No what are you talking about?’ He goes off about the whole, ‘Oh they’re all rapists’ and this and that. I’m like, ‘What? This guy’s out of control. I love it! I’m getting a Trump shirt for sure, I’ll wear it to Triplemania, perfect!’ So I don’t know what the date was then, it was probably in July-ish or whatever it was, and I went online and ordered a tank top. I asked Konnan about it, because he was the booker then, and I’m like, ‘Hey I wanna wear this shirt,’ and he thought that it was awesome. I’m like, ‘Let me ask you, am I going to get shot?’ That was a legitimate question, is it gonna be bad? We’ve been to some places in Mexico that aren’t the best and they’ll be like, ‘Hey, stay away from this crowd, this part of the crowd, or these people in the crowd or whether it be this or that or whatever in between. So I asked you know, legitimately, and he said, “No, I think you’ll be all right.” I wore it that weekend on their Good Morning America, I was on there with Rey Mysterio and Alberto, and I wore it there as well. It was funny because everybody was looking at my shirt but nobody was commenting or asking me about it. “

“I actually thought it was just a gonna be a one-time deal, just get some cheap heat and be entertaining and funny to me, and then that would be that. I didn’t realize it would get so much press about it, so many people would be talking about it. I had no I no plans to ever wear it again and once it got over I kept wearing it.”

The full interview can be heard here.

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