Tiffany Stratton: ‘I Don’t Really Play a Character. When I Go Out There, I am Myself’

WWE NXT star recently appeared on the “Under The Ring” podcast. 

Stratton was asked the differences between her and her character:

“I don’t really play a character. I would say that when I go out there, I am myself. I’m just turned up a bit. I am very out there. I’m very bold. I’m athletic. Everything comes easy to me. I would say that’s very much Tiffany Stratton.”

Tiffany on what she feels is her biggest obstacle to winning the NXT Women’s Championship:

“I would say that my biggest obstacle is Roxanne Perez. I go up one on one next week against her. We have some history. We were both in the breakout tournament and we were both in the finals of the breakout tournament. She actually ended up winning. But back then, I was a newbie. I was just getting my name out there. I had only a couple of matches under my belt. I feel like now I have really grown as a wrestler. I have so many more matches under my belt. So it should be interesting. I’m excited.”

On how she made the decision to become a pro wrestler and what her process as been like at The Performance Center:

“I was a gymnast up until I was 19 or 20 years old. I kind of saw wrestling on TV. I always knew about it. My brother and my dad would always watch it growing up. I never really got into it until like later on. I was still a gymnast and I saw Smackdown on my TV one day, like flipping through the channels with my family. I saw it and I was immediately like, ‘Wow, that’s so cool. I feel like that’s a lot of things that I can do.’ I saw Charlotte Flair doing a corkscrew moonsault out of the ring. I saw that and I was like, ‘That is so cool. I can totally do that. I did that on a trampoline like every day.'”

“My process of getting to the PC, I had my try out actually four years ago. It was actually like right before COVID happened and then unfortunately I didn’t get to do the full tryout and they sent everybody home. Then I tried out like a year and a half later. It went well. I got signed a couple weeks after the tryouts and came to the PC August of 2021. Since then, it’s been crazy. I literally got on TV within the first four months of being at the PC and then ever since then it’s just kind of taken off.”

On her inspirations for her character:

“I definitely have some inspiration from movie characters like Sharpay Evans from High School Musical. I love Paris Hilton. I love her style. But for the most part, I’ve kind of just kind of created my own little sayings, like Tiffany’s epiphanies or Tiffy time. That’s all kind of just been me coming up with things. All of my outfits, my gear, it’s all me coming up with the concepts and trying to figure out like, how do I get my character across when someone just kind of looks at me?”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Under The Ring with a h/t to for the transcription.

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