Update: There have been several people coming at this story saying it’s fake because in it Enzo claims to smoke marijuana. But it is not a suspension for a positive THC screening according to WWE’s wellness policy. The wording of the wellness policy reads as follows: “First Violation:First Violation: In the event of an initial positive test for substances prohibited by this Policy other than marijuana and alcohol, the WWE Talent shall be suspended for thirty (30) days, fined an amount equal to thirty (30) days, pay deducted from the WWE Talent’s downside guarantee on a weekly basis and WWE will publicly disclose the WWE Talent’s name and duration of the suspension and indicating a first violation the Policy.”
That being said, please enjoy the story even if you take it with a big grain of salt.
Original: A stripper from The Body Shop Gentlemen’s Club in Buffalo, NY took to Twitter to give her account of her alleged experience with WWE Superstar Enzo Amore. There’s really not much I can say so I’ll just let her words tell the story:
She wrote:
“So a #wwe star named Enzo came into thr club i work in and was STUCK UP AF, didn’t wanna let a dollar go!
He kept talking about how cool he was and gave his boy a little money to tip
We had a really forced convo because he was high af (“only a $2500 fine”) and was looking for a girl to take home!
(NOTE: The “$2,500 fine” is a reference to what some wrestlers call the “pot tax.” WWE does not suspend wrestlers for marijuana use but they are fined $2,500 if marijuana comes up on a drug test)
I dont smoke at all or drink alcohol a lot so i said no. He said just come watch…. creep alert
He was enamored with all of the black girls butts. Clearly i tried to bank off that
He got a couple spanks and “showered” me with about $10 in singles even tho he kept telling me how famous and rich he was..
I just kept thinking if youre so famous how come i never heard of you? I didn’t say it cuz i still wanted money off him
So this #wwe star(?) Juat wanted girl attention and to talk about himself so i blocked him off to suffer thru the convo still hoping on $$$$
I thought about whay we had in common… former huge #wwf fan of 80s-90s and the attitude era (me)talking #wwe enzo. Kinda cool i guess.
I asked for a pic just for myself to show friends (i dont hv a lotta ppl knowinf my profession so i dont post all that) he said too famous
I agreed and said “true you dont wanna get tmz’d” he said it happens a lot @tmz ???
He kinda got cool and the conversation got natural. Then he said “the whore on stage is really earning her money”… wouldnt get up to tip
Whore? She had a whole rich famous star (?) She never met or heard (she was on stage) calling her a whore… ew… rude
So i still try. It was 330a. I wanted to hit my $1k goal i was a couple hundred short. Surely this #wwe dude had it? He kept saying he did
He told me i was the total package. Face. Body. Personality. Yay! Am i securing the bag?
Then Enzo said its a shame i dont smoke ? ok i move the convo to common ground. “Actually growing up i wanted to be a #wwfDiva so bad”
“How did you get into it?” He pointed at himself. “Look at me. Im a rockstar. I got the look” ???
Then Enzo says “yeah a lot of my #wwe coworkers definitely started on the pole for sure”… i told him i had to talk to thr dj and bounced
Seriously if youre so rich and famous why are you so lonely to find a girl to WATCH you smoke. Isnt pussy being thrown at you?
He was proud to show me his blue checkmark on instagram ???
His local buddy that i knew thru a few friends appologized for him. Im used to people looking for take home girls and attentiom BUT A “STAR”
Enzo u wack af. Thanks for the $10. Im gonna go get breakfast ?
He just seemed full of him self and stingy. You go to the club to ball.. at least spend… not talk about ur money! Spend it! We neef it lol
He literally said that verbatim about the $2500 fine for smoking. Why brag about money in a gentlemens club tho? Just getting girl attn
How am i costinf him his job. All i know is i didnt like his attitude so….
Cuz i get no kinda gain picking this lie to tell. He was in buffalo for work. Stayed the holiday inn. He had a mutual friend that was local
I learnes about him when the dj told me go out n talk to him… and from his apparently HUGE fanbase this morning
He said he was in town for work. I guess that there was a wwe event? Which explains why the club was DEAD. I woulda stayed home”
That is her account of what happened on Friday night. WWE was in Buffalo on Friday night so he was probably at the club after the show. Again, this is her version of the story but we have heard stories before about Enzo’s party life. Just a couple of weeks ago, we wrote about Enzo being kicked off the talent bus by Roman Reigns and people that know him have talked about his party life in Los Angeles. You can read more about the incident on the bus by clicking here.
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