Accused steroid dealer presents evidence to filmmaker on Roman Reigns and discusses holes in WWE’s Wellness Policy

Jon Bravo has released another video with accused steroid dealer Richard Rodriguez where he claims to present evidence of his communication with Roman Reigns, Josh Duhamel, and others.

This is just another video in a series from filmmaker Jonny Bravo and it looks like there is going to be more to come as he continues to sort through the evidence Rodriguez presented to him through his personal laptop.

In this newest video, Rodriguez focused on Josh Duhamel but then moved onto Reigns briefly. Bravo said that the specifics regarding Roman Reigns’ orders will be the focus of the next video but Rodriguez did go into the WWE’s Wellness Policy a little bit. He said that people would order substances not intended for human consumption because it could be out of their system before they were tested. He said that these kinds of public figures might take “suspension based products” in order to pull this off. Reigns’ orders allegedly contained a lot of things not meant for human consumption.

The accused steroid dealer said it’s impossible to maintain that kind of physique and they deny using performance-enhancing drugs to protect their livelihood. Rodriguez said it’s impossible to walk around looking like they do without PDEs.

We’ll have to wait and see what kind of evidence is presented next. But for the time being it looks like there could be more to this developing story as Jonny Bravo continues to dive into the evidence Richard Rodriguez gave to him.

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