Apparently Bobby “The Brain” Heenan was terrified of the fans

Bobby “The Brain” Heenan was one of the most memorable characters in the history of pro wrestling. He loved the business and made it his mission to entertain people wherever he went.

One thing about traveling with Bobby Heenan was you never knew what was going to happen or what he would do next. He was always pulling pranks on people…BUT SOME OF HIS BEST PRANKS WERE ON REGULAR CIVILIANS.

Tony Schiavone recently spoke about Bobby Heenan at length on his What Happened When podcast where he revealed something most fans might not have known about The Brain. Apparently if you were a fan of his, Bobby Heenan was afraid of you.

“He also was very — and I can understand this cause he was a heel and a good heel at one time” Schiavone said. “Bobby was also very afraid of fans because fans as you know could probably as a heel back in the old days could really get on you. One time we were at Boston in the New Garden and it was me, [Tony’s wife] Louis, and [Mike’s wife] Karen Tenay, Mike Tenay, and Lee Marshall and Bobby and we’re all going to crowd in this car together and we would all lock our stuff in the car so we could run out and beat the crowd out and we made the mistake of giving our key to Lee Marshall. Lee could never see too well. They always had thick glasses and Bobby always called him Goo… Mr McGoo, so he called him Goo and so I gave the keys to Lee and Bobby says ‘ah f-ck, Goo’s got the keys we’ll never get in the car.'”

“Well, we didn’t and we got the car late. We got in the car and I think Tenay may have driven the car this time or maybe I was driving and the fans came out and they saw Heenan and started banging on the car — boom, boom, boom, boom, boom — as we’re trying to back out of this parking lot and get down this little ally that went down to the left of the arena there. And they were banging on the car and Heenan was in full panic mode. He was like, ‘you guys don’t understand! These fans are crazy!’ I mean, they were. They were shaking the car and they were pounding on it — ‘Hey Weasel! Bobby The Brain Heenan!’ And he was excited and he was upset and there was a lot of times when things didn’t go right on the road and he would get very upset and get very panicky about it especially when it came to the fans.”

So if you ever saw Bobby Heenan after a wrestling show and walked up to get an autograph when he just ran away, now things might be a little more clear for you now. It wasn’t you, it was Heenan.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit What Happened When with Tony Schiavone with a H/T to for the transcription

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