Baron Corbin reacts to Dave Meltzer’s comments about him

Baron Corbin has fired back after comments made by Dave Meltzer on Thursday morning’s Wrestling Observer Radio. You can read what Meltzer said by clicking here but essentially, he and Bryan Alvarez were talking about the possibility of Corbin cashing in his Money In The Bank briefcase at SummerSlam. Meltzer said that Corbin would not be a good choice as a World Champion…at least not right now but he could be a good choice if he improves in the ring. Quite frankly, it’s hard to argue with that. Corbin could be a top star but right now he does feel like a guy more suited for the mid card.

Meltzer added, “His promos suck. Has he improved? Yes, he’s improved a lot. Yes, he can be in a tag team main event when he’s in there with AJ Styles and Sami Zayn and do his part? Yes, yes he’s okay there with Kevin Owens as a partner. Can he be a bully to Sami Zayn in an undercard match and have an average undercard match? Yes, he can. That’s not a world champion.”

Again, what he said was not meant as a personal insult to him and he wasn’t joyfully ripping on him but Corbin seemed insulted by what was said. It’s no secret that Vince McMahon loves bigger wrestlers so he will get more opportunities than a smaller wrestler that can cut better promos and is a better in-ring worker. Big Cass was another guy that was going to get more opportunities in developmental because of his height and he is getting a singles push on the main roster, despite the fact that he still needs in-ring work and needs to improve on his promos.

As you can see below, the Twitter exchange started after Corbin responded to Aaron Varble’s article that was written here at

Corbin apparently blocked Meltzer on Twitter.

Here is Meltzer’s response to someone asking him where the heat with Corbin started:

I would recommend for everyone (including Corbin) to listen to Thursday morning’s Wrestling Observer Radio show. You can do so by clicking here (subscription required).

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