Big Cass on maintaining relationship with Carmella on separate brands

WWE seems to support relationships between Superstars. But when Carmella was called up to the main roster she was placed on SmackDown Live away from her real life boyfriend Big Cass.

Cass recently spoke to Sam Roberts on Sam Roberts’ Wrestling Podcast where he opened up about some of the challenges the couple faces while being kept so separate from each other.

“Oh yeah, we never see [each other]. We see each other one-and-a-half days a week! I think we’re the only couple on [WWE] TV that isn’t on the same brand if I’m correct. I’m almost 100% sure that that’s the case. Yeah, so we’re the only ones. It’s tough. We see each other one-and-a-half days a week.” Cass reflected, “we talk about everything but wrestling. We try not to talk about wrestling. It’s just too much. Yeah, we try to stay as far away from it as possible.”

It might be true that Big Cass and Carmella are the only couple that’s currently being separated by brand lines. After all, when Dean Ambrose moved over to Raw, they put his wife Renee Young on both shows.

But Carmella needed to establish herself away from Enzo and Big Cass so that’s why WWE placed her on the blue team. So far she seems to be doing a pretty good job. Even though she’s in a weird angle with James Ellsworth right now where she keeps talking about how she has control hwile he wears a cheetah spotted dog collar and leash like an animal. Things in WWE are never simple.

For those of you that missed it, check out the links below to read about some of the key matches/angles from Las Vegas:

Credit for the quotes in this article thanks to Sam Roberts’ Wrestling Podcast and Wrestling Inc for the transcription

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