Buff Bagwell reportedly not “doing all that great”

Buff Bagwell was a member of the nWo and had an infamous match against Booker T on Raw which helped Vince McMahon decide which direction he wanted to run with WCW. But now he’s winding down his in-ring career with a Farewell Tour.

Whether you love him or hate him, Bagwell has still given his body to the fans in and out of the ring for years. He might not have the best things to say about Vince McMahon or his time in WWE, but some still remember him fondly and the health of any wrestler no matter of fandom is important to everybody.

“I just saw Buff [Bagwell] — we just did a show together in West Virginia of all places,” Hurricane Helms said on Killing The Town. “He’s got some kind of staph infection he isn’t actually doing all that great to be honest. Something was going on.”

Buff might have been dealing with a real setback, but he still took part in some kind of segment during the show even though Helms said he didn’t see it because he hates walking up stairs.

“He was doing something, I didn’t get to see [Buff Bagwell’s] match cause the locker rooms were downstairs and I like to watch some of the matches but I’m not too fond of stairs. So the stairs kinda superseded my desire to watch the match until it was my time to go up the stairs. But I heard nWo music and I’m like ‘what the hell’s that about? — Ah yeah, Buff’s on the show.'”

If this is true hopefully, Buff Bagwell can get over that nasty staph infection soon if he’s not recovered from it already. That kind of medical issue can really get out of hand if left untreated. But even though he might not have been at 100%, Buff still had the stuff to make an appearance which should say a lot. We just wonder how safe it was to wrestle with a staph infection if that’s what was really going on.

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If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Killing The Town with Storm and Cyrus with a H/T to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription


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