Christian discusses why he decided to leave WWE

Christian was a member of The Brood and had plenty of Tag Team Title reigns under his belt in WWE but for some reason he just wasn’t getting his shot at a big singles career. In the end, it would take him leaving WWE and spending some time forging friendships in Florida while a part of TNA to eventually gain him access into WWE’s main event level scene.

Due to concussions Christian had to retire from in-ring competition but in another day in the pro wrestling business he would probably still be giving frog splashes and Unprettiers all over the place. Christian still seems to be a shoo-in for the WWE Hall Of Fame, it’s only a matter of time at this point.

Christian recently spoke about his departure from WWE on the Pod Of Awesomeness while comparing Drew McIntyre’s situation to his own.

“It’s impressive what [Drew McIntyre’s] done” Christian said. “It kinda reminds me of the situation I was in years ago when I left WWE” Christian said. “It was a combination of different things going in why that happened. One of them was being burnt out, being tired, you know my body was beat up, I’d been on the road straight since I was 24 and I was like 31 at that time when I left.”

“Also, you know I felt like I was kinda stuck in a rut and my situation wasn’t going to change if I stayed [in WWE] at that point. It was gonna be like, ‘well we know what we got with him. He’s there, he’s doing his thing, when something comes we’ll figure something out.’ But that time never came for me, you know what I mean?”

“So it’s one of those ones where — and we’ve talked about it many times before you have to bet on yourself sometimes. And my contract came up and I decided it was gonna be better — beneficial for me both personally and professionally to step away for a little while and come back and hopefully be seen in a different light when the time was right to come back. We’ll see if that is the case for Drew [McIntyre] — for me it worked out because I went away for three years and came back and I feel like the second part of my singles career in WWE was much better than the first.”

“In that first kind of run I had a little TV program I did with Cena and I was starting to get these crazy reactions and nothing happened from there. I still didn’t seem to move up from there. We had one match that turned into a triple threat with Jericho in the pay-per-view and I kinda got shuffled around a bit after that. So to me I was going ‘if I was getting those reactions when being put in that spot and it’s still not happening, I have to do something here to change my situation. And that’s when I decided to — when my contract was up I was probably gonna step away for a little while.”

Christian did take a break from WWE but he used that time to become an even bigger name in TNA. Captain Charisma soon became NWA World Heavyweight Champion and used his stay in Dixie Carter Land to cement himself as someone who could handle a main event level program. When he returned to WWE it was a much better time for Christian.

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