Gangrel Says His Fangs Were Specially Made by a Dentist, Same Fangs Since WWE Hired Him in 1998

In an exclusive for, Steve Fall spoke with former WWE star Gangrel, also known as the leader of The Brood during the Attitude Era. We have highlights below and be sure to scroll down to watch the interview. 

Gangrel on if he paid $10,000 for each vampire fang:

“They were bonded in between ’94 and ’96.In ’97-ish, they came out. The fangs weren’t bonded in when I was in WWE. They told me they weren’t going to use the vampire character. When they hired me, they told me to lose weight, grow my hair in and go be as normal as I possibly can.”

“Vince Russo calls up and says, ‘Hey, can you still do that vampire character?’ I didn’t have the fangs or anything so I had to run out to Hot Topics real quick, find a puffy shirt and some suede pants in there. Then what’s next after Hot Topics? Journeys. I went to Journeys. I got some boots, some New Rocks, and that’s what you saw debut on the Sunday Night Heat.”

“I started out as technically Lestat The Vampire in Puerto Rico. Those fangs from ’90 to ’94-ish were Lee Press On Nails. So I would take a Lee Press On Nail, size it up, super glue it on, cut it to a point, and paint it to the color of my actual teeth. So for a good amount of years, maybe five years, I was super gluing my teeth in, so I was huffing superglue for five years. From there, I had my fangs bonded permanently. I had fangs permanently for a few years. Then WWE told me to get rid of them. So eventually, I got rid of them. I went back to All Japan as David Heath. No fangs, nothing, just trunks, and on that tour, WWF hired me and told me they weren’t gonna do the vampire thing, and then a week after being on contract, they decided to do the vampire thing. So I ended up having to get, it’s a different type of thing. I had them especially made from a dentist. I still wear them, the same thing since ’98. They are chips. I gotta get them touched every once in a while. I think they’re pretty fresh right now. I’ve been wearing the same thing since ’98 to now.”

Scroll down for the full interview. If you are looking to have Gangrel train you to become a pro wrestler, check him out at the CCW training facility in South Florida.

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