Gunther on Cody Rhodes: ‘I think the match is right there whenever it needs to happen’

Gunther appeared on the latest “After The Bell” podcast this week. 

Gunther talked about what having Imperium back together means to him:

“Obviously, it’s great that we are all together. That was the plan for a long time anyway, especially for Giovanni, it was hard because when we went to SmackDown, it was just like losing an eye at first. We got split up and it came out of nowhere. That was very hard, especially for Giovanni, but also for Ludwig because they always planned to be a team and now everything changed. I think looking back now, it was a good experience for everybody involved because now we can work, travel, and do all those experiences with my two closest real friends as well. Ludwig, I’ve known since I started wrestling, like he started a year or two later, and since then we’ve always been together at events. We lived in almost the same part of Germany, so we traveled together almost every weekend. We’ve been doing this side by side for over a decade now. So yeah, obviously being with him means a lot now.”

If he would like to have a match with Cody Rhodes:

“When I knew that scenario would go down with me and Cody at the end (of the Royal Rumble), I knew well, the guy was out for a little bit. Since then I was able to work my way up, and I was like, Okay, I have to introduce him to the new reality over here. That was kind of like my attitude going into that. Yeah, obviously that was just a taste I think for everybody. I think Cody is one of those guys where that’s the perfect match for me, the perfect opposite, if that makes sense. I think the match is right there whenever it needs to happen. If it would happen in Europe, obviously that would be fantastic.”

On what it felt like to go at it with Brock Lesnar during the Royal Rumble:

“That’s a matchup I definitely want to have at some point in my career. Obviously, there was a lot of talk about it going on, especially online, but sometimes what is the thing online doesn’t translate to the live reaction. So I think that little moment I had with him there, that was all I needed right now because that was just the real life confirmation that it makes sense, that people are up for this. I was really happy with how everything went down. I said that before like people portrayed me as some sort of end boss character sometimes. If I have one end boss, I think Brock is the one. So let’s see If everything aligns at some point and it’s just gonna happen.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit After The Bell with Corey Graves with a h/t to for the transcription.

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