Matt Hardy on WWE return: “I mean there would be a possibility, but I would need assurances”

Matt Hardy gave a lengthy interview with that is packed with good quotes regarding his run WWE as well as his future in the pro wrestling landscape. 

In the interview, Hardy was asked about his process of leaving WWE when his contract was coming due, which expired back on March 1st. 

This is where Hardy made it known that he knew what he wanted regarding his creative on television and if that wasn’t met then he was going to depart. It’s that simple. Hardy did make it point to note that he was treated great by the company.  

“I mean I was determined if I didn’t get my dialogue and I didn’t get my creative concerns addressed, I was going to leave. I just determined that. And it was like, I worked to do it and I have to talk about how great all the WWE people were and they treated me great while I was there, very professional, took great care of me.  And even dealing with everyone with the Mark Carranos and the Triple Hs and everybody else, they were great all the way out. It’s like I didn’t want to leave, but I had to leave that creative process.”

While Hardy has confirmed that he has been in talks with various promotions including AEW, which is heavily speculated as to being the favorite, he doesn’t completely rule out a return to WWE. 

“I mean there would be a possibility, but I would need assurances. This is really important to me, like how I do these next three or four years. I’m not 25 or 30 years old. I have some good matches left in me, but I don’t have a good match every day of the week, and I can’t do it four or five days a week like I used to. I just don’t bounce back like that.”

Hardy also talked about speculation from fans regarding him being revealed as The Exalted One, the state of AEW and more, which you can read about here.

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