MVP in talks with WWE for a long term contract

MVP discussed his return to WWE on The Gorilla Position podcast. He also revealed that he is in talks with the company regarding a long-term deal.

MVP talked about his return to WWE: “I had every intention of retiring this year. I’m from Miami but I reside in Houston. My son has become a massive wrestling fan. For him, I reached out to WWE about being a surprise entry in the Rumble. They welcomed me with open arms. It was meant to be for my son. It went so well that I was invited to come to San Antonio the next night for Monday Night Raw. I was given an opportunity to wrestle Rey Mysterio who is my son’s favorite wrestler. I was offered a job as a producer which I accepted because I had the intention of retiring anyway. I was working as a producer. They asked me to do an on screen VIP Lounge. Then I was asked to do a short match and then another on screen segment and then another. Before I knew it, my responsibility as a producer became less and less asI was asked to do more and more as a talent. Now I can say that the WWE and myself are in negotiations for a long term deal.”

What sets your promos apart from other talents?: “I can’ speak for the other talents because I’m not there in their creative process. Scripts are written for them. For me, I’ve always been given the opportunity to express myself in my way. I’ve never had a script written for me or I’ve never been ordered to read from a script. I’ve always been given an overview of what they want for a segment and, ok, MVP this up. Say this the way MVP would say this. I’m not trying to memorize lines using words that aren’t in my vocabulary. I’m taking the jist of the situation and I’m making it my own. I’ve been speaking to some of the younger guys and trying to help them with that to understand that all of the greats are great because they are not trying to be somebody they aren’t.”

As noted earlier this week, there are plans to revive the Nation Of Domination with MVP being the voice of the group.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Gorilla Position podcast with a h/t to for the transcription

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