Owen Hart was still pulling pranks during his final match

The pro wrestling world lost Owen Hart far too soon. His passing changed a lot of things and it is a shame WWE can’t pay tribute to his memory like they should due to disagreements concerning the usage of his name and likeness from his widow.

But Owen Hart was a bright star in pro wrestling in and out of the ring. His pranks were legendary and he was always looking to make things interesting. Even up to his final match at a Chicago house show in the Rosemont Horizon when he teamed with Jeff Jarrett to defeat Edge and Christian, The Black Hart never disappointed. This contest took place on May 22nd, 1999 one day prior to Hart’s tragic passing and Owen was still up to his usual tricks and having a great time in the process.

Christian remembered his last match with Owen Hart on a recent episode of E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness and gave a little insight on what it was like to be in the ring with the youngest child of Stu and Helen Hart.

“This actually ended up being Owen Hart’s very last match at a live event in Chicago,” Christian said. “[Edge] and I were wrestling him and Jeff Jarrett and we wrestled them on a few loops and stuff and had some pretty fun matches.”

“Owen is notoriously known as a bit of a ribber so in that match he was on fire. I remember he came up he had his hair sticking straight up and he was wearing his black and silver tights but he had his baby blue boots on that completely didn’t match. I remember he would lock up and he would go [indistingusable mumbling sounds] he’d be like calling a spot to you but he’d be mumbling it and you’d be like ‘what? what?’ and he’d throw you off the ropes and me like, ‘just do it!'”

“You’re just coming off the ropes not knowing what he’s going to do and he drop toe holds you or something like that and at one point he went back to me and said, ‘watch the Cobra Clutch.’ I said, ‘what?!’ He throws me off the ropes and he somehow got me in a Cobra Clutch. I was coming off the ropes and he goes, ‘reverse it’ and I go, ‘Owen I don’t know how to reverse a Cobra Clutch.”

“Later on in the match, we were doing the comeback I remember we backed them [into the corners] and we did the double 10 punches in the opposite corners and we got up there and looked down and they were both wearing clown noses. And then we shot them together and they did a big shoulder tackle against each other in the middle of the ring and the noses popped off and flew up in the air which was pretty funny.”

Edge and Christian went on to talk about Owen’s affinity to pull a prank in the ring and how much they loved it. The Rated R Superstar then went on to reveal that he has a picture of Owen Hart doing an unnecessary high step during their final match just so Hart could get a laugh from whoever noticed. Let’s hope that picture sees the light of day along with the one Edge and Christian have tucked away of them holding each other’s world titles in 2007.

Owen Hart’s influence on the wrestling world might never be truly realized due to circumstances which carry on today concerning his legacy. But those who knew him and watched Owen perform will never forget the two-time Slammy Award-winning King Of Harts.

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If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit E&C’s Pod of Awesomeness with a H/T to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription

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