Pro wrestler actually has a positive experience with airline

If you’re a pro wrestler there is going to be a lot of travel involved with your occupation, that is a proved fact. But it seems nowadays every time we turn around there’s some kind of airport mishap going on.

Whether you’re Xavier Woods documenting an epic show of humanity during an overbooking situation or the entire NXT roster being held up for thirteen hours waiting to depart before NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III, it seems to happen to everybody. The bottom line is the airlines might need some work when it comes to customer relations. But it sounds like they’re having more problems than that, to be honest.

In a shocking twist on the every day story of people getting screwed over by the airlines comes a redemption tale of sorts. You might remember Zach Gowen as the one-legged wonder who was shot to the top of the WWE roster in main event story lines straight out of the blue. But if you’re Helen from B5 Gate in Green Bay, then you might remember Gowen as the guy you showed great customer service to.

At twenty-years-old Gowen might not have been able to handle that kind of pressure needed to make it at the main event level but Zach’s grown a lot since then. He was able to overcome a battle with drug addiction and continues to wrestle on the indie circuit to this day. But when Gowen recently flew the friendly skies, he apparently got more than what he paid for.

Road Dogg even tweeted out to Gowen after Delta replied to Zach’s initial message thanking Helen from B5 Gate. We really don’t see this kind of thing often enough. Congrats to Zach Gowen and Helen from B5 Gate in Green Bay for being awesome.

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